chwapter 7

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Stephanie and Britany were proud of there selves it made them happy she just could see the reactions on there faces. Steph and Brit were both thinking "they should've done what they have done"  they made them selves  breakfast  knowing that today was the best day ever! but little did they know that it would be the opposite. 

brit and Steph  had a knock on their door from sophie and cassie and they said "we are here because of the pics you sent it's very rude to go into peoples private stuff with out their permission, it makes us very angry dizzy is in a vulnerable state at the moment and you girls do do that upsets us and her" "well we don't care" "may you guys apologize to Dizzy and Mel because this is nasty it mean and disgusting behavior and as rude you girls were at the sleepover we are  not putting up with it,  you took it way too far doing this is ugly"  "ha! you girls want to be friends  with a baby ha! dizzy wears a dip come on what a baby" 

Hannah was pissed  and cassie was angry they said "stop!" "no" and with that brit and Steph closed the door in there faces

after cassie and Hannah left Stephanie had texts for the both of them


Stephanie and brit  you naughty girls yous can't expose someone's private life


girls what in the world you don't know how badly this can affect my sister


wtf is wrong is wrong with you


i though you girls were better than this


that is rude really rude

"no no dizzy and Mel should've been bullied not us this is not going to plan at all!" now they are understanding how dizzy and Mel are feeling.

back at Dizzy and Mel's dizzy was in tears she couldn't believe it! Mel gave her a hug and said "there there it's alright why don't we go and see sophie and cassie? ay what they have done was quite rude".

just before they left the house Dizzy got a call from Hannah she popped it on loud speaker and Hannah told them what happened this morning and dizzy thrown a absolute fit. Hannah said "come round for a brake  you guys are not alone in this.

when they got to Sophie's  Dizzy was holding onto her fave paci and crinkle blanket scared Hannah invited them in and said

"i want to show you guys that your never alone in any situation because this behavior was unacceptable and this child shouldn't have to put up with it "

they went up stairs and Hannah knocked on the forbitten door and a small voice that sounded sad said come in

little dizzy  and  her fvrioute cear  MelWhere stories live. Discover now