Part 10: Heist, Parties, and Rituals

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I opened a portal to the Mirror of Erised. I can tell the philosopher's stone is in their. I look in the mirror to see my reflection change. I see my in an office over looking space itself with legions before me, both magical and technological. We are on a space ship watching as a red planet terraforms in a planet that is ready for life. We shoot some bullets towards it as then life starts forming on the planet fast, plant life, no animal yet.

Then it switched to me with a family, Nana as a doting Grandmother and Sirus as a crazy Grand Uncle. Wanda pregnant and already holding a baby. A red haired girl with a pure Phoenix on her shoulder with a baby in her hand. Hela and death closest to me with Hela having a child in her arms and a pregnant belly. Alucard, a purple female flaming skeleton, and a 2 blonde Russian women, one in a widows outfit standing guard. And Luna Lovegood as a sister in everything but blood. My obscurus taking physical form and being a brother and friend to me.

My obscurus gives me the stone but I keep looking and the screen changes again. I'm standing on a battlefield with aliens cowering before me and Thanos with my wand stuck out of his head and the infinity stones in my hand.

I catch my self and stop looking in the mirror. I erase anything and everything that tells I was here and portals to the ice cave and grab the egg. I pet the egg a bit before I head to the Addams.

I portal into the living room where everyone is. I walk though and close it behind me. All of the Addams and my family was looking at me. Their were some other people when a slightly overweight gentleman stabbed at me with his sword. I sidestepped and got my wand out and yanked then sword out of his hand with my own wand/dagger.

I did my best dry Alucard when saying, "sup."

"Hello, good sir, I must say you have a horrific defenses. Can you please give me back my sword?"

"Sure," I used wand and spun it around and it flew up into the air and dropped right before him just barely not getting him. The man had black hair and was in a suit but he was still using the sword as a natural.

"I'm am Gomez Addams and this is my wife," I black haired woman came up beside him in a glowing black dress.

"Mortica Addams, at your service." She held out her hand and I took it.

"Hadrian Grindelwald, as your service. Thank you for hosting the party and letting me visit. You have a beautiful home."

"Why thank you." Their were two other family's here beside the Addams and my own. The family's were the Walsh's and Booker. The Walsh's came from England along with the Addams but are like the opposite of them as they are vitamancers (light and life magic). The Bookers have many many book stores both magical and mundane along with publishing companies and a newspaper and magazine company respectively. They are very close as all the family's have been allies since they came from England. Also the Addams family is much bigger that just this, they have branches is most other companies countries as well.

I meet and mingled with everyone. I also sword dueled 3 more people and Gomez again but with actual sword instead of my wand. I also showed of the egg I got as well. I am finally on the couch with Wanda and Wednesday. They're talking and I'm just sitting silently. I light up a blunt and wait. Their is a ritual today on the 22nd of December as that is the solstice and the actual time of Yule. Longest night of the year. We also have the ritual at the peak of the night.

We did a ritual. It was a Yule log in a pentagram with candles in the log that will burn everything. It should burn from sundown to sun up and at midnight we light the candles and let a drop of blood on a candle. It is a reflection of lives and then we sit and talk to each other about memories about all of our lives, together.

We sat around all night and just talked with everyone while also have food and drink. Everyone eating and drinking and having a merry time. I'm over the Christmas ball.

I talked about life in the asylum (Wanda), leaving and finding a mother (Nana), and finding friends at school (Wednesday and Pugsley). How I'm happy to have them around.

At sunup on the burning of the Yule log I'm going to do a ritual to hatch my egg. Eyes are on me. I found a ritual specific for that that I use. It's runes are very specific along with my sacrifice, some ten thousand year ice, a winter flower, and some other stuff.

I do the ritual at sun up and get a Hungarian Horntail along with a Swedish Shortsnout as slit their throats and allow all of their blood to go directly towards egg. The Hungarian Horntail for it bigness and it's strength, the Swedish Shortsnout is for its breath. I also have some of Zillas blood and I'll use that for durability while the ice for longevity and the flower for looks. That's why I used a winter rose. I also used some of my own blood to have big potential.

Everything starts going at it. Then it starts floating band spinning and cracking. " it cracking, oh god it's coming out." I was laughing and so was Alucard laughing at what she said. Everyone else was looking at us.

The egg finally cracked and out piped a mini dragon. It had snow white scales with spikes that have bright blood red tips. It has two big ivory horns coming out of its face and it's very big for a baby. I can only imagine how big it'll get once fully grown. It runs right towards me and I'm on a couch as it just jumps up and sits on my lab and puts it head on Wanda. It already has a favorite.

It moving around while on me. Finally he gets comfortable with and I start petting him on his head. He purrs that's kinda like a low rumblings little whisps of frost are coming out of his mouth like a it's his fire. He's starting to fall asleep and everyone is tired so we went to our rooms. The adults have rooms while the children, it, and thing have the living room. I go to bed using my new dragon as a pillow along with Wanda doing the same. Alucard was being Alucard and acting like a bat, so being upside down from one of the ceiling beams.

Wednesday and the other girls were using the pull out couch and Pugsley and the other boys were using the floor. Turns out Wednesday and Pugsley have a little brother, Pubert Addams who is one year old. He's staying up with the parents. Wednesday and Pugsley have a big, cool, magical family and I love it.

I feel into Morpheus's grasp as a was cuddling and listening to Wanda's rhythmic breathe along with the up and down of my dragons breath. I fell out of Morpheus's grasp with my head encased in thousand year ice from my dragon.

I broke it and looked around in a fit of extreme paranoia. Most everyone was up and everyone that was was laughing hard. Alucard was laughing so hard she fell from the ceiling and broke her neck but was still laughing.

After everyone was calmed down and feed, we had a feast for breakfast. We stayed their that day and had a snowball war between everyone. We used magic for it. I was drenched and even my new dragon got in on it and instead of using thousand year ice, used fresh ice barley packed into snow and acted like an automated turret for Wanda and Alucard.

It was fun. We went home and had Christmas together. I got a letter with the invisibility cloak from Dumbledore that made me want to murder him more. I got a encoded letter form old Grindelwald follows that went underground that that'll follow me if I can prove myself and get my grandfather out.

On that note I also got a gifts from the goblins. One from the king, as a goblin made dagger that I can enchant and carve to my liking. My warrior friend that I fought that i kept in touch with, a gift of a short sword and a arm guard with a hidden dagger that I can enchant as I like for both. My account manager gave me new on my investments and new properties along with 1 Knut that's been carved.

From Wanda I got a new strain of weed along with many different wood seedlings from around the world. Wednesday got me, or more like got it out of her library, a book based on theoretical time based magic and runes (chronomancy). From Nana, she gave me some more greenhouses that I can grow stuff in them. From Alucard she gave me a bloodstone and a dildo and said, "make sure to give it to Wanda, she'll need it." I punch her shoulder and she bites my throat even though she didn't draw blood or anything. I got other gifts but they sent really important.

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