Chapter 4 Memory Restored

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Uruha's POV

As I think of Nyshyra San and what she explained to me about how we met, but still nothing . But why was I getting so worried some thing bad is going to happen, why can't I fucking remember my childhood? What happen to me? As I went to her home and we both sat on her sofa silently and suddenly she moves herself from the sofa and took me by the hand to take me to her bed room. As I followed her and she said " please sit here." Then I asked her " what for?" Then she said " you want to know where we met right?" I nodded and said " Yes, but how?" Then she said to me " Please, just sit with me and close your eyes, and relax ok?" Then I nodded and closed my eyes same time as she did then......


"Hey mommy, who is he mommy?" Then mother spoke "Oh, Shyra that young boy name is Uruha, he has 4 beautiful and wonderful brothers" Are dey are next door neighbor mommy?" Yes, my child I have already met them already want to go with mommy?" K mommy" *walks over to him* "Hello there Uru, are you ok?" Uruha said " Hello, Mrs. San" How you doing son?" She said and then sadness can into his eyes and I ran to him and I hugged him and told him " It will be otay, will you be my friend?" His eyes widen and nodded with a smile on his face " Sure" then they both ran off together........

*Flashback Ends*

I open my eyes the I see Uruha in tears, balling is eyes out and then I went to him and I spoke " Uruha, are you ok?" He shook his head "No, how come I couldn't remember those memories?, How was I.......So......" He sobbed so hard my shoulder was soaked by tears and all I can do is just hold him like a child, and then I asked him " Do you want to go home or do you want to spend the night here to really calm down?, I am really worried about you Uru, but I will nit force you into staying, but are you going to be alright?"

Uruha's POV

"But are you going to be alright?" She asked me, and I couldn't even look into her face, and then I told her " Yeah......sure I will stay, and can I please sleep in the living room?" She nodded and said " Sure" And as I went down stairs and everything was set for me after I took my shower. I had on my all black pajama pants and heh of course shirtless and I feel her beautiful brown eyes on me but I turned around her eyes was looking at me and all I could do was look at her, ny gosh she's beautiful and I wanted to touch her so bad, but I gave her a smile and walked towards the living room.

Nyshyra's POV

As he got out th shower and I was wearing my purple and black nightgown short it came to my thigh length. And then I looked at him, and I was thinking to myself.....My gosh he is so gorgeous, beautiful, and sexy as a man. I never had a boyfriend before, and I never experienced anything, is this what love feels like? And as soon as he turned around my eyes were wide and I had a feeling I just want to run to him and just tell him will he be mine. But before I knew I saw a smile appeared on his face, and I feel my cheeks burning as I blushed, know we have school tomorrow I wonder how everything is going to turn out.

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