chapter 8 Cherry Blossom tree

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Uruha's POV

As I woke up to a beautiful sun light and I opened my eyes and she wasn't there then I turned to the table there lies a note from Shyra and it reads......

Dear Uruha,

If you are reading this I left to go to the store. When you are done reading this letter go downstairs and there is something I left for you....

Love you Always


And I did what she said what was in front of me was my brothers Aoi, Reita, Kai, and Ruki.....wait what are they doing here
Ruki- Hey sleepy head
Aoi-Hey man
Reita- morning my brother
I smiled as I see them in font of me
Uruha- Morning guys, what are you guys doing here?
Ruki was the first to speak
Ruki- Hey man, we all wanted to to let you know that we are all sorry and now I can see you are happy
Kai- And we missed the real Uruha...
All- Laughing
Uruha- Thanks, I miss you all too
Aoi- Hey have you told her yet?
Uruha- No not yet...Why?
Reita- Well, while she is out for the moment why don't we all get her a gift and you Uruha give her something she will never forget got it?
Uruha- Ok guys what are you up to?
Kai- Just get dressed and come on
Uruha- ok ok ok, don't have to be a grouch geesh

As I went upstairs got dressed and did my hair and then soon as I was about to leave I was forgetting one thing I left her a note on the bed with flower pedals.

Nyshyra's POV

As I hid behind the tree make sure they have left I went to my car to get the bags out for Uruha's Birthday I decided to do something special for him. So I started decorating the house and put my nice Favorite shirt of Uruha of course and I was wearing my favorite skinny jeans black and purple uruha's favorite colors. I did my hair and make-up. Then I heard the door open there was a secret door lead me to the kitchen dinner was already done everything was set up perfect as I turned out the lights I heard footsteps

Uruha's POV

As I saw the lights go out I thought someone was about to hurt Shyra so I gave them the look but they wasn't there so I ran to the door the door was unlocked I opened the door and as soon as I turn on the lights.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY URUHA! My eyes got so big I smiled. And I was relieved can I forget my own birthday..... Smh I was just so happy to see everyone except one....." Where's Shyra? " everyone turn to her direction and there she was beautiful like an angel. And so I looked at her an all I can do I just stare of how beautiful she is in front of my vision. So as I had to know what I mean by that....but anyway as I was about to speak Ruki spoke.....
Ruki- What are you thinking about Uruha?
Uruha- Do you really want to....I am not going to say it
Ruki- Oh Come like her?
My eyes widen, he hit it on the nose as I stood there as I blushed
Ruki- Uruha?
Uruha- Yes
As I turned away from him not a few seconds there she was.

Nyshyra's POV

As I walk up to him I saw his face he was blushing and then I blushed also then I whispered in his ear low enough for him to hear and I spoke.....

Nyshyra- Come with me

He looked at me and whispered back

Uruha- uh...where too?
Nyshyra- You will see just come with me.

I took him by the hand as we was about to leave Aoi spoke and said

Aoi-Hey, where y'all going?
Uruha- we are going to have a conversation is called none of your buisness
Reita- Aawww cmon you don't have to be an ass about it!
He shook his head and we left.

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