Chapter 6 Love again

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Nyshyra's POV

As I fell into darkness as I see a facial feature that I didn't expect.... It was Uruha, but how is he in front of me and I getting ready to speak, He tells me.....

Nyshyra.... and don't look back! Why I shouted, please I beg of you....just go! He shouted again. I cant ...Uru, just can't...I * started crying* I, he held me close and says I know what you going to say...but now it is not the time before I go Shyra.. I love you! My eyes widen....then.....

Shyra! Shyra! Nyshyra!, and I opened my eyes he was in front of me and then I begin to speak " Uruha, I have something to tell you! " He looked at me and his hand placed on top of mine as I spoke " umm....I just had the last memory that I never thought I remembered. But remember that question you asked me few weeks ago? " He nodded and spoke"Yes...Why?" Can you ask the question again? " I replied and his eyes widen and I was waiting for him to asked but nothing....just straight silence. But when I turned around he was I sobbed so hard my heart was crushed into pieces and I thought he trusted me enough to finally tell me his true feelings. But he just disappeared.

Uruha's POV

"Can you ask me the question again?" She said to me. My eyes widen then I backed away from her and ran out the room. What should I do? Why am I doing this to hurt her? She will never forgive me, Who should I talk to? How am I going to tell her? How am I going to explain what I saw that I have never seen before? She was beautiful and she remind me of.....Elena, Oh my gosh, No, it can't, I went to a house I remember well. Then I saw her mother outside just looking in the sky waiting for something so I walked to her and said " Mrs. San, may I have a word with you please" She looked at me and told me " Sure, wait......what's wrong Uru?" I looked at her tears rolling down my face as I hugged her tightly and I spoke "What am I going to do? I hurt Nyshyra's heart and she will never forgive me, What should I do?" Calm down.....Calm Down its OK, look come with me inside so we can talk ok?" I nodded and followed her inside and we sat on the sofa and she begun to speak"I know its been hard for you, you two always been so close to each other and I know there is a lot of things you two doesn't know....." As I lookup confused about the whole situation and then I spoke "What are you saying?" She blinked a few time before she spoke " I am sorry to say but..." But What? I sat up but now I am furious " Nyshyra is my....." She said until I cut her off " your what? I shouted " She's my daughter and my name is Elena!" His eyes was so big then he looked at her and spoke "so what is she to me?" She's ..." She was about to finish the sentence till Shyra walked through the door and I back away till I looked into her eyes I saw her eyes was exactly like my mine and then I ran out the door and never looked back. What have I done, what more shitty ass life can get any worse so I ran across the street then all of a body flies through the air and landed on the concrete as I lay there in pure darkness.

Nyshyra's POV

As I went to my room and I looked outside and saw ambulance and police cars and then all of a sudden....knock knock knock, then I open the door my mother is in tears as I look at her and I asked her "What's wrong mother?" She look at me and my friend told me that Uruha was hurt and all I could do was to shoved both if them out my way ran out the door, went to the site and there he was lying on the ground lifeless. Uruha......Uruha....No, as I ran to him the police try to stop me but I had his body close to me and I said to him" Uruha please, don't..... Don't leave me here alone.....I am so so sorry please wake up" no response then I spoke to him again" Uruha.....Uruha....please...... Comeback......Uruha....I......Uru......I love you please God......bring him back.......I need him as much as I need you please!" As I wept his body so close to my body and tears rolling down my cheeks then all of a sudden I felt a hand touched my cheek wiping away from eyes and there he was and I held him so close and never knew my strength and he spoke "next time...go easy...on your strength ok?" I laughed and I planted a kiss to his lips and my mother saw with her own eyes she was so happy and then I looked at him as we walked into the house and then I helped him plus not to mention also took care of him.

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