Chapter 10 Confessions

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Still Nyshyra's POV

A- so Shyra, how does it feel to confess your love to him?

N- Well, I know what I am going to say but not to be rude I want to get through with this

A- What's the rush, I mean you love him do you?

N- Yeah, always have and always will. Now may I continue?

Now anyways, when I looked in to his eyes and he was still shock from the kiss I planted on his soft beautiful angelic lips. And I snapped back into reality and as I blushed and he spoke.....
U- Ummm, did we just......

N- yeah

U- uh....I just .....better..

N- No...please

U- I.....(sighs)

N- I'll start!

He look at me and I begin to speak

N- Well....remember when that day when you saved me from that bully?

U- Yeah....

N- Well, I thought it would been you all this time, my thoughts was trapped in the stage my sister Elena...

U- (thinking to self) Elena....that name again

N- An I knew you loved her with all your heart ever desired

His eyes widen bigger

N- You all she ever spoken of....she....always speaks highly of you... I....I just couldn't hear it anymore, I couldn't believe what I was hearing from her.

I started to cry

N- And you know what's so sad about this whole thing?

U- Which as?

N- Her last words to me was this" Help him, cherish him, give him the love he deserves, you have that sis, and I know you, Give, him....the LOVE, that he desires." (Thinking of her)

U- I.....don't know what to say, as I realize what you just...told me....was the same thing she....she said to me also

N- Really?

He nodded

N- So is this destiny or Fate of love?

He just spoke honestly

U- Actually Shyra, this is both Destiny and Fate for our love is connected as one

N- But how is that......

He cuts me off

U- Think about Shyra, look at the tree behind you!

As I turned around I saw carvings of talented art, nicely done as I stepped a bit closer to the tree.

N- (Gasp)

He wrapped his arms around my waist

U- You remember now?

N- Yes, I do and how can I forget this moment

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2016 ⏰

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