Chapter three

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I was in my room putting on my favourite dress, it was August so it was still warm, so the dress wasn't too long or too short.

"How do I look?" I asked Alicia who was leaning against the door frame.

"You look stunning" she says with a smile. "Now off you go" she says as she practically pushes me out of the door way. She was leaving for Liverpool to go see her boyfriend TRENT ALEXANDER-ARNOLD tonight so when I got back she would be gone.


I arrived at the party which was very busy to my surprise.

"Oh hey" Ben says walking through the crowds of people.

"Hey, didn't expect there to be this many people" I shout over all the noise.

"No neither did I, but people I invited invited their mates and then it kept going on" he shouts back.

"Right uh I'm gonna go see if I can find Christian" I say as I start walking away from him. I couldn't find him downstairs so I went up stairs and felt someone grab my wrist and drag me into a room.

"Excuse me what are you doing?" I ask the drunk man.

"So I don't get a hello, sweet heart?" He says clearly drunk.

"Please can you let me go" I shout at him.

"No" he whispers in my ear the smell of alcohol taking over.

"Please let me" I whisper as tears start firming in my eyes as he had me pinned against the wall with a strong grip so I couldn't get out myself.

"Never" he says again as he starts kissing my neck without consent and touching me. I feel tears roll down my cheeks as he carries on with me not being able to stop him.

"Meg?" I hear Ben say. "Are you okay?"

"BEN HELP" I shout through tears. The man out his hands over my mouth as he throws me onto the bed violently and starts taking my dress off. The door was locked all I felt was terrified in that moment.

He busted the door open and grabbed the man off me.

"You dare touch her or kiss her again you are a dead man" he says as he pinned the man against the wall, holding him up by his shirt.

"You don't scare me" the man says rather cockily. Ben raised an eyebrow at him and then punched him right in the face. He dragged him down the stairs and chucked him out of the house. He told everyone there to leave which they all did.

"I am so sorry" Ben says as he wraps his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him and started crying into his chest.

"I'm sorry this is all my fault" I say with my head on his chest.

"Don't you dare say that, this is not your fault meg I promise you that" he says as he strokes my hair as I simply just nod. "Do you want to age a shower or something?" He asks me.

"Yes please, if you don't mind" I say wiping my tears away.

"Yeah of course, I'll go get you some towels" he says softly which is just what I needed right then.

In my dreams | Ben chilwellحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن