Untitled Part 2

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Ever since that day Hinata became curious about this new world. The way the humans dressed was too far from the way they did. Another thing was sports, as they called it, one in particular called volleyball caught Hinata's attention. So he was excited after learning about this person called the 'Little Giant' , someone who was amazing to watch. Soon after he was enrolled in a school close by to their home. Soon after he started learning all he could about the sport when he didn't have to deal with school.

Then close to the end of his third year he had convinced some friends that he made to join him in a game of volleyball against another school. They tried their best but sadly didn't win. Instead Hinata found someone who was interesting. The setter on the opposite team. He clearly had some kind of power to be able to set all of those crazy spikes.

After the game was over Hinata felt this weird pain that appeared in his head. It wasn't normal and he figured it had something to do with leaving Rale. It went away almost as fast as it appeared, only making him more worried. He got home as fast as he could to ask his mother about it.

Bursting through the door, he scared his mother who had just walked out from the back of the house. "Mom! Something happened today after the game. I don't know exactly what it was but i-it was strange. I don't know how to explain it and I'm not sure if it won't happen again-"

"Calm down Shoyo. Take a minute and breathe then you can try to tell me what happened, okay?" his mother said in a calming voice. It was something Hinata was grateful for. She almost always knew what to say to someone and could help calm down anyone no matter how scared or worried they were.

Hinata listened to what his mother said. He waited until his breathing returned to normal. Finally able to explain what was going on. "At the game just after we finished my head started to hurt for no reason but the weird thing was that it stopped only seconds later. Could it be a side effect from getting used to living here?" he asked her.

"It could be that. The air is different here and after so long we don't really notice the difference anymore. Or it could be from not using any of your forms after all this time. It's been at least two years since you were in your crow form right?"

"Yeah I haven't used any form sense we got here. It didn't feel right to, but if this happens again. I'll try to at least use my Crow form every once and awhile. " He decided. It was like this for the next couple of months, he would randomly go outside once a week and fly around where no one could see him. Then he would practice jumping as high as he could getting anyone to help him practice spiking.

Then after all of this time he got into Karasuno, the place where the Little giant went. He met that setter again and at first they didn't get along. At least until they started working together to win against the two other first years. Then he got the chance to meet Nishinoya the libero and soon after the ace. And soon after they had a practice game against Nekoma.

Nekoma ended up having someone special. Someone who Hinata thought he would never see again. But he was glad upon seeing him and seeing the reactions of both teams, when both of them practically ran to hug the other. After a couple of questions and having to tell a half-truth about how they knew each other

Soon after they got a chance to catch up. He took the time to see exactly how different Kenma looked now. He had blond dye in his hair covering most except for the roots and he was more quiet than he used to be. It turned out that Hinata's worries were somewhat correct. But now he had a few friends including the rooster haired guy.

Then right before his team had to leave he got Kenma's number. So they could keep in touch. And when he told the news to his mother she seemed glad that they had run into one another after all this time. Once when they were talking on call she even came to say "hello" to the boy.

After everything his team learned a lot about the way Hinata acted. He was always early to practice. He was almost never tired and he was excited about a lot of stuff. He was always ready to practice and didn't like to quit playing. Never really getting mad but still he would return an insult, if Tsukishima said one.

A lot of that was questioned sometimes but never as much as it was today. The day when he scared everyone, making the team parents, as they were called among the first and second years, worry about their young crow son. Never knowing how true that name actually was.

"Come on! One more Kagayama!" Hinata yelled before jumping to spike the volleyball down on the other side of the net. He landed and let out a small shout of excitement before a strange noise echoed through the gym. Hinata froze, he knew this ringtone was a special one saved only for emergencies. So when Daichi asked who's phone it was Hinata was quick to react saying that it was his. Then taking off to answer it before the caller left.

Crouching down he opened his bag not caring about the confused looks he must have gotten. Searching through his bag he found his phone tucked in neatly at the bottom with the caller's ID flashing on the screen. He was right, something was wrong.

"Shoyo....'s that you?" Hinata's eyes widened as he realized who was speaking. It was his dad. "Listen I don't have much time but you need to come back. We... we need help both our kingdom and the Neko's have fallen. Your friend knows and said he'd come back. We... you...Back, Shoyo." and with that the call ended. Leaving Hinata shaking as he tried to stand up stumbling a bit as he tried to grab his bag. This caught the attention of some of his louder teammates.

"Yo Hinata. You alright over there?" Tanaka asked. He began walking over to the younger teen growing a bit worried when he didn't get a response. Right before he made it Hinata jumped to his feet, dropping his bag to the floor, and taking off running. Tanaka called Nishinoya over and the two started to chase after him, but once they saw how far he had gotten by foot they were forced to slow down. "How is he going that fast?" Nishinoya asked.

"I'm not sure." Tanaka shook his head. Only to realize that they had lost track of him. "Now, where did he go?"

The two tried to look around a bit longer before heading back to the gym. Sugawara and Daichi waited outside for their return. "He was too fast for us." Nishinoya explained. "I know he is fast but this time it was like double the speed. We couldn't keep up."

"I wonder what caused that kind of reaction from him." Sugawara questioned. "He left in a hurry for whatever it was and ended up leaving his bag and bike behind."

"Maybe it was something going on at home. But we can ask him tomorrow just to be safe." Daichi suggested. Turning around to face the others he yelled. "Practice is over for today! Let's clean up."

Quickly the team began cleaning up, yet it was unusually quiet. Even the more hyper active second years hadn't really spoken much as they picked up. It could have been for a few reasons. Sugawara tried to convince himself that, but deep down he knew the truth. They were confused, worried even. Unsure of how they should act after what happened.

Then everyone was sent home. Told that everything should be fine by tomorrow. And that's what they expected, that Hinata would be back. Waiting for everyone early, standing in front of the gym in an attempt to beat Kageyama in their almost daily races.

But he wasn't, there was no excited yelling that he beat Kageyama to the gym. No sign that his bike had been touched. There was nothing. And this was the first true sign something was wrong.

Kageyama was one of the most confused though, from what he knew. Hinata absolutely loved playing volleyball, and there wasn't really anything he loved more. Nothing he knew that would make him willingly miss practice. Honestly, he just hoped that it would only be for today but if only they knew what fate had in store for them. What would change the world they knew and soon it would spread to the other teams. One by one.

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