chapter six

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Four rang out, the room I was in felt much smaller. Fear took over, I was trapped. Trapped in this room. Trapped in my Neko form and I couldn't do anything. I was shaking pushing myself far back into the corner, trying to hide myself. He was laughing at me.

"What are you doing here little Neko? You're the second one we found today. But unlike the first one, you don't seem to be injured in the slightest. I wonder why." he grabbed my arm pulling me up to my feet. "Whatever you're coming with me. Eagles need something new to keep them busy. They'll be quiet for once when they see two Neko's." he started walking, pulling me along, with no trouble it seemed. I couldn't fight back, and my form wouldn't switch. Plus, they had Kenma, who knows what would happen if I left him here.

He pulled me through several hallways until we reached the outside, well the inside of the gate actually. We had passed by several guards, few had curious expressions as they turned to see me. While others just shrugged, I guess they had already heard about a Neko being here. Why did I choose to leave him? I knew it was a bad idea, I should have thought more about it.

Finally, he let go of my arm and I instantly brought it up to my chest using my other arm to shield it from him. He pointed and I looked over to see the group of eagles from earlier. Now that I'm up close it seems like there was more than I expected. Maybe around seventeen or eighteen stood across from me

They all seemed to turn and face me, when the guard yelled. "Get over there now!" It startled me, making me jump as I ran over to the eagles. Why did Neko have to get scared easily? It's already annoying enough that I had to get stuck in this form. It's fun being a Neko, I won't lie about that, but it still has its downsides but really all of the different forms do.

I stumbled running into one of the closest eagles, who managed to catch me before I hit the ground. Pulling me into a hug, I wasn't sure how to react, most eagles did carry a protective nature around them, but I never expected it to be this strong. Glaring at the werewolf that scared me. "Don't worry little one, you're safe with us." Great, another person calling me a kid, I wanted to protest. To correct her about my age, I'm not a kid, I'm sixteen years old.

Right after that he left, the group of eagles were pushed back towards the single house that the eagles could actually stay in. The lady that helped me still kept a hold of me as we walked, refusing to let me out of her sight. It was quiet, quiet was bad. It made me worry, one mistake and anything could happen.

"Did you come here... with the other Neko? The one with dyed hair?" she whispered.

"Yeah, I thought he was safe. I thought he was hidden from them."

"Good, they brought him to our home not long ago. But only the ones still there have actually seen him. I'm a bit worried that he'll wake up frightened in a house like that. So many having you would help."

She didn't say anything else to me until after we were in the eagle's house. It was a three floored building, with ten small rooms on the upper floors. The small rooms each consisted of a bed, desk and shelf along with a window that was locked. A way blocking them from having any advantage to escape. I learned that she was one of the adults within her group; there were only four others, the rest being teenagers around my age. They had a group of kids hidden too, which helped me figure out why they hadn't left when they were outside. If they did, then it would mean leaving behind a large group of kids who hadn't learned how to fly yet.

The lady never said her name when we were talking, so ended up calling her 'Rose' by accident. But it didn't seem like she was annoyed by it, instead she just smiled telling me it was fine to call her that.

She stopped talking to one of the teens before glancing back at me. "Your friend woke up; I think he needs you. Ouna, can you lead him there?"

Ouna nodded. Soon I found myself on the second floor, entering one of the rooms. "If you need anything my room is right across the hall." he smiled before walking off.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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