Chapter Two

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Almost in a flash a week had passed and yet there was still no sign of where Hinata went. It made Sugawara and Daichi worried as the days passed and Hinata's lack of appearance grew. No word from any of the teachers, or the principal for that matter, explaining that he would be out. So around the fifth day after his disappearance Sugawara and Daichi went to drop both his bag and bike at his home.

When they arrived Hinata's mother looked very surprised to see them. She had a younger girl, who they guessed was Hinata's little sister, sitting at the kitchen table with pen and paper at hand. She thanked the two, quickly moving to place the bag on the table before returning to the door.

She didn't really talk much except for once again thanking them but this time it was a bit different. She was glad that, even though Hinata didn't have as much practice as most in their club probably did, they let him join and helped him improve with his skill. Then her face fell, growing as she told them what little she knew.

The last time she had actually heard from him was the morning it happened. He sent her one message about 'going home' and how she guessed that meant he was heading home early that day. Then when he never did she tried calling him several times.

Seconds later they heard the little girl call her mom over. That was when the two decided it was time to go. She bid them farewell as they left, closing the door as they walked off.

"That was...a little strange." Sugawara admitted when they were far enough that she wouldn't have heard them. He didn't want to seem rude or anything but it was the truth. She did act worried but only at the end of their conversation, almost like she hadn't really thought of him sense then. But still deciding to keep that thought to himself for now, if they hadn't found him soon he would say more.

"I wonder what she meant by 'going home'. I thought that's where they lived. So where would he go?" Sugawara asked.

Daichi shrugged. "Maybe they moved before and he had to go back. Someone he knew needed his help or something like that." The rest of their walk was silent, and neither found it necessary to break it until they parted ways. Each heading to their home.

The following day during their morning practice Coach Ukai had to step out when he got a phone call. He told them to continue practicing while he was gone, yet Daichi grew curious. Waiting a moment before heading towards the door. Ukai was mumbling something as it seemed like he was waiting. Could the other caller have hung up? Or they had to speak with someone else for a moment? It was possible

Daichi spaced out just barely zoning back in to hear what Ukai was talking about. "-not sure if it's connected or not. None of us have seen the little ginger in a while. But if what you're sayin it true then your setter disappeared the day after." Ukai sighed, shaking his head. "We'll keep an eye out though. And let the other team know. If something is causing players to up and go missing we need to find a way to stop it and get them back."

He hung up the phone walking back inside only stopping for a second when he saw Daichi. "It's Nekoma." He explained. "Their setter went missing a couple days ago. Almost the exact same as Hinata. From what he said the kid was hurt, said he fell down the stairs or something. Then the next day he just froze, throwing his phone to the floor before he took off running. Scared their team pretty good. Anyway just head back and finish up with practice. I have to go talk with some of the other coaches about this mess."

Daichi nodded, heading back towards the group. They had all gathered around curious of what he had heard. Yet Daichi didn't say anything it didn't feel right to at the time. But just as he opened his mouth to speak a loud crash came from behind him. A girl sat on the floor, a jacket several sizes too big for her. The hood covered most of her face as she pushed herself up.

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