chapter four

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After watching Reign and Echo leave on the boat, we had to head down to their camp. Less than one hundred Crows were there with only a slightly increased number of Nekos, over half of them being children. A few I recognized while the rest I couldn't put a name to. There were also a few Eagles there too, I had counted fifty of them who had volunteered to be guards and another twenty watching over the kids. But that was only on the surface. Guess they wanted to keep any others hidden in case the gates were broken.

After a quick "hello'' to a few I recognized we were pointed in the direction of the chosen leaders. One of which was my father. That actually cleared up a bit. Adding another reason why we were told to come back. To go undercover, originally they had planned to send my father but with him being here for so long they figured he would have been discovered easily. So they wanted me and Kenma, who none of our people had seen in many years, to go. The only problem was my hair.

I had to dye my hair quickly before we could leave. Washing away my bright recognizable orange hair and replacing it with an almost clear silver. Wasn't my first choice but I didn't have much time and just grabbed the first one I found. When I met Kenma after finishing he tried to stifle his laugh. He was lucky though, having dyed his hair last year already confusing many who still remember how he looked as a kid. I honestly just hoped the dye would last, for both of us actually.

"Kenma, you ready to go now?" I asked bringing his attention back to our main task. I didn't want to sound mean but we had to leave any minute now. Still I had a weird feeling telling me that we needed to go to the eagle's kingdom. I'm not sure why I had this feeling but usually it's almost always right. Like when I first met Kageyama, the same feeling appeared but less strong. It let me know that he was special like the team I joined. Together we could win. Together we're undefeatable or that's what I wanted to believe.

"Yeah Shoyo, I'm ready to leave." he replied in his old monotone voice before bursting out laughing. It was great seeing him get back to his old self. "Yeah, let's go." he added.

We left heading back up to the top of the gate. Where we had to climb a giant flight of stairs instead of flying, mainly because we needed to save our energy for the journey and just wasting it on flying to the top of a gate wasn't really worth it. At the top a guard was waiting. "We had a feeling that these would be of use to you. Have a safe trip and we will await your return." She held two bags out to us.

We each took one of the small bags that some of the people here made. It was a handcrafted bag, each with a symbol of our original kingdom. Mine being a crow with a feather behind it. Kenma's was a cat with claw-like marks that ran down the side of the bag. I thanked the guard clutching the bag in my hands as I took off. Trying my best not to drop it. Kenma didn't seem to be having the same trouble easily holding onto the straps of the bag as he flew.

"So we're heading to the eagles, fun. It finally gives me a chance to get back at them for what they did all those years ago." he said smirking.

I played along with the joke. "I guess you're right but it was a simple water fight with the kids over there. Don't tell me that the 'great Kenma was scared of water back then."

What happened was true. I brought Kenma over to the border between the crows and eagles for a water fight. I just didn't tell him why and it didn't end well, for him at least. It was funny watching him freak out at first when he was hit by the water. I blame the cat form though. Sometimes one form can take more control than the others and even bring the traits of that form's origin. So that's why he freaked out that the 'cat side' of him just took over that day. But if I'm being honest he already acts way too much like a cat without using the form. Even now I could tell that was still true.

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