¶ Four ¶

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"They're burning all the witches even if aren't one,
They got their pitchforks and proof,
Their receipts and reasons"

I Did Something Bad
~ Taylor Swift (Reputation) 


"Hello ma'am. I'm Steve Rogers. It's a pleasure to have you on board ."

"The Capsicle!" , she exclaimed with overwhelming excitement before suddenly freezing. Her face turned beet red while simultaneously wincing at her statement.

"OH my God , I'm so sorry . I didn't mean it like that. I was just so excited to meet America's first superhero I mean. Nicknames are a very bad habit of mine. It's actually a birth defect . Embarrassing myself is also birth defect. I mean it's not my fault right? It's a defect . So technically it's my mother's fault. And my father's.  And definitely my brother's.  That little shit loved encouraging them. The number of times he put me in stupid situations. "


"It might seem funny but it's not-"


"It actually has gotten me into some pretty tight situations ", she rambled on .


"But the point is -"

She jumped.

Hearing snickers around her Adeline observed the stunningly perfect shape of her nails and she thought she heard someone say something along the lines of 'liking this mortal'. Weird . She was sure she looked like a human tomato with extra food coloring but she vowed to never look up again for the rest of her life.

"Natasha Romanoff ", nodded the gorgeous redhead in front of her in an attempt to diffuse her embarrassment. She seemed to be the most composed compared to the rest of the team but Adeline could still see the residual laughter in her eyes. Nevertheless, she nodded back giving the other woman a tiny thankful smile for the change in subject.

"Thor Odinson . Pleasure to meet your acquaintance Lady Adeline ", boomed the voice of the last unknown man in the lab. He wore an ancient warrior getup and damn if he didn't look like he'd been carved by Gods. Come to think of it - he actually was a God from what she'd heard .

Life was unfair .

"Just Adeline is fine. Or Lina", she smiled back.

Finally she turned to see the man she had desperately tried to avoid ever since she entered the lab. He had remained uncharacteristically silent all this time. She looked up to see he looked almost the same since she had last seen him right in front of her . Maybe a little more worn out , but overall he looked as good as he did back then.

"Miss Forbes ", he nodded. The ignorance broke another piece of her heart.

"Mr Stark", she nodded back with much effort to keep her voice from wavering.

Adeline was sure everyone could feel the newfound tension in the room which she chose to ignore and turned back towards Fury. Getting the message , Fury continued the earlier conversation as if no one had interrupted.

"Dr Banner is only here to track the cube and I was hoping you both might join him" , he said gesturing to both Tony and Adeline.

"Let's start with that stick of his . It may be magical but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon", Steve said.

"I don't know about that but it is powered by the cube and I'd like to know how Loki used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys ", Fury sighed.

Thor eyed them curiously, " Monkeys? I do not understand. "

Steve looked proud of himself as he shouted, " I do ! I understood that reference."

Adeline shared a look with Natasha as they smiled in amusement. She could practically hear Tony rolling his eyes before glancing at her and Bruce.

"Shall we play Doctors? "

"We shall. This way ", Bruce agreed while Adeline silently followed.


I'm sorry for the short chapter but the next one is bigger I promise!
Also ,let me know if you guys like it and any suggestions are welcome <3


¶ JADE ¶ ~Tony Stark Where stories live. Discover now