when will I get used to this?

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I know it has been a long time.
But this might be the last BL I wanna finish.
Maybe slowly I can finish it.


Earth zipped the language bag.
"All you need in here? Are you sure?" He asked in loud voice.

"Yes baby. My passports and documents are in this personal bag." Ben responded swaying his body bag left to right.

"Cellphones, wallets, power bank keys." Earth said one after the another.

"I got it all babe. The only one missing is you" Ben said.

Earth smiled and stood.
He walked towards Ben and kiss his cheek.

"Someday but not now" Earth said.

Ben smiled and pulled Earth. Causing his lover to sit on his lap.
"Now I can reach you better" Ben whispered and kiss him on his lips, nose and whole face.

"Babe any time Butler will be here na." Earth said in soft voice.

"I know" Ben also whispered and hug Earth tight.

"Please do not leave this place. You can go to work but come home here every night. Be safe always. And you can bring your friends over. You can have sleep overs. But our bed is only ours." Ben said. Like giving instructions to an elementary kid.

Earth just smiled and nod his head.

Door bells.

Time to say goodbye

They shared a sweet deep.kiss.

Then Earth stand and walked to get the door.

A great smile of two men greeted him.

"Is everything ready?" Joong asked.

Earth moved away from the door.
The butler waiid and grabbed the language. While Joong and Ben hugged.

"Thanks for coming back for us." Ben said.

"This might be the last. Nine and I are planning to be permanent in China soon." Joong said smiling.

"Let's go" Joong said and turned to Earth.

Earth took a deep breath. He does not want to see Ben leaving.

"I will be there All through the way. And Prem also is with us" Joong said.

Earth grabbed his body bag. Where he placed his keys and essentials.
The four gentlemen walked to the elevator.

All though the travel till they reached the airport Earth is so silent.

Ben just holds him.
Airport entrance. Ben pulled Earth for a kiss. A sweet long kiss till they reached the front building.

The Butler, get down from the car and get the language. Joong and Prem get down also leaving the lovers have their deep kiss.

"You have to go." Earth said.

Ben get down from the car. He faced Prem and gave him instructions. Earth only bowed his head and put his earbuds on not wanting to hear anything.

Ben glanced at him but Earth did looked at him.

Joong and Ben hugged.

Next thing Earth saw is Ben's back walking away. He watched his lover walk and vanished from his sight when the door closed.

"Are we leaving now?" Joong asked.

Earth looked on front of him. Prem and Joong are already inside the car.

Grasp (continuation)BenEarthWhere stories live. Discover now