he knows

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Earth calls for ambulance.
Ang it came with in 5 minutes.
His lady boss is in labor.

Good thing his work here as Auditor  is done. He can help in some other things. He can come once a month for the monthly auditing.

He became the manager for the day.
The restaurant
Became famous because of the visit of Ben and Pavel here for many times.

They hired more chefs for their boss manages the restaurant since the lady boss have to stay in bed since 28th weeks of pregnancy. She only comes to visit for lunch.
And this day her water bag broke and Earth is alerted while the husband run to the house and grabbed everything prepared for the day.

Prem and Earth was left behind to manage. Calmly.

They announced that the baby is on the way all the staffs are more inspired to work now.

One of Earth's friend needs job now. And he is potential for the new position needed. Manager. But they have to wait for two weeks.

That afternoon 6pm
A black car parked in the parking lot.

The receptionist greeted The guest and guide him.
The waiter then came and gave the menu.

"Who I order for is not in the menu. Can I have Earth please" he said smiling. The waiter was shocked. He knows who the guy is ordering but why?

"Forgive him sir Ben he is new here. I will get P' Earth for You." The students waiter said.

Ben nod and smoke at the student and the other one still a bit confused.

Earth was doing something on the office.
"Naithanm, Young master is here" Prem said.

Earth fixes the table.

The waiter runs towards them.
"Kathona kha. sir Ben orders for you" she regarded Earth.

"Please be abrupt with other costumers na." Earth said.
The waiter waiid and leave to work.

Last check in the kitchen then he went to sit in front of Ben
Prem followed with hot drinks on his hands.

"I have to stay longer na. The boss just delivered a healthy baby girl" Earth said. Ben pouted.

Earth leaned on Ben.
"I will make it up to you when I get home." Earth whispered.

"I will wait for you" Ben said.

Earth rolled his eyes and raised his hands.

The new waiter came.
"Beef brisket. Pork chop, and vegan salad in heavy white cream. Blue cucumber soda and a cup of rice and solo mojos." Earth said without looking at the menu but just Ben's eyes.

The waiter repeated the order.
"Is that all sir?" He asked looking at Ben and Earth one after the other.

"Yes" Earth said.

The waiter waiid and leave.

"Please wait for at least 20 minutes." Earth said. He stand Ben did nothing. Earth waiid and leave. He breathe in relief when he is in the kitchen. Then he went back to his work.

Letter a knock on the door. He looked up

"I get lonely there my boyfriend is too busy here." Ben said leaning on the door frame.

"Please come in and close the door." Earth said.
Ben closed the door. Earth walked to wards him and kiss him.

"Eat na. I have to do this. Na.. please." Earth asked lovingly.

Ben pulled Earth's waist.

"Babe. Your food will get cold" Earth said.

"One more and I will go." Ben whispered.

They kiss a deep one that none wants to end it. But knock on the door. One last smack then Be. Walked to the door and opened it.

"Young master your foods are served. Naithanm you can eat also na" Prem said.

"You I cannot Prem" Earth said.

Prem just bowed and leave Earth alone. Followed Ben.

Ben is back on his table the new waiter is still wondering

"Okay new ones" Prem said."you all know Earth is my boss right?" He asked.

"Earth is my boss but that is my young master." ,Prem said.
"You are confusing them more." The old waiter said.

"Earth and that guy Ben are boyfriends. Now you understand"Prem said.

"That is easier."the other said.

"When he comes he orders for Earth and Earth got his food depends on what easy to prepare and what is available" ,Prem said.

The new ones nod their head. Now they know they cannot have a crush on Earth and on Ben.

That night the restaurant closes at 10pm. But after the closing they leave the place quarter to eleven.

Earth leaned on Ben. On the car. Ben carried Earth to the elevator on the elevator Earth is a bit awake. Ben put him down but he leaned on Ben and he is secretly smiling.

When they reached their floor. Ben carried him again. Prem follows carrying their things. The unit opened Prem placed the bags on the sofa and said goodbye.

When the door is locked. Earth opened his eyes and kissed Ben.
"I promised" he said and unbotton his polo shirt.

Ben smiled and pulled Earth for a lustful kiss.
"The food was good but have you eaten any" he asked.

"Yes I had my dinner when you where working on your phone." Earth said. His polo dropped on the floor.

Ben carried Earth like a sack of potatoes on his shoulders to their room.
Gently he placed Earth on bed and hovered over him.

"Should we take a shower first?" Earth asked. By this time Ben is ravishing his chest planting small hickeys.

"No need babe. I am hungry" Ben whispered.

Earth smiled.

"But you look tired." Ben said. He opened his mouth to say more but Earth pulled him for a kiss.

"I am never tired for you" Earth whispered.

Ben throw off his hesitation and his clothes on the floor. Time to please his lover.


The heat of summer nights gets hotter while the breeze from the sea eases the hot humid.

But under the big tree inside a small shed made from leaves and small barks. Two bodies are more heated up like fire.

Burning in their own desires. They ease up the heat by kissing and pounding on each other.

"If my life ends here. I can let it. For I have the greatest fucker" Knot commented while he holds tight on body hovering over him fucking him so hard the way he asks.

"Oh.. we have a lifetime to do this." Park responded. "Cum with me sweetie" he whispered and bite Knot's shoulders.

The guys that hears ever word and moan and groans while other watches but others only hears.
They laughed and are also heated up.

Some took their shower and some gets to sleep.

"Damn this brothers thought, they are the only people here" the leader said.

"No don't let your guard down. A voice said from the steel door.
"Knot knows this place, be watchful. Knot is once a hunter. And they had pass through some traps. He knows how to avoid them.
Think like Knot guys.  He knows. We have to change strategies.

Grasp (continuation)BenEarthWhere stories live. Discover now