Chapter Five

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So its been a couple of days since the incident with Camila and her bully. Those days were calm , until she wanted more. I was walking down the hall to the restroom because I had to take a leak. I spotted the little punk whispering something in Camila's ear, but it looked more like snearing. I picked up my pace and tapped her on the shoulder"what? Can't you see I'm busy with clutzbello". She said without turning, "yeah I do see that's why I interrupted you, now how many times do I have to give you a beating before it gets to your shallow head" I said furiously. Camila noticed how mad I was getting and she gently tugged my arm. I didn't look down I just glared at the dumb bully."fine I'll leave her alone for good " she said walking off. She suddenly stopped and turned "I didn't know you two were dating"she said with a scoff and continued to walk away.
Oh that just put us in an awkward position. I cleared my throat and finally looked down at camila. "Hey are ,you ok?" I asked worriedly. She slowly nodded and went straight to the restroom. I followed her because I really had to pee. I didn't see her so I guessed she went inside one of the stalls. I quickly went into one and did my do and fluahed it. As I got out of the stall I noticed that Camila wasn't there and her stall door was still closed. I walked towards the stall door and lightly knocked on it. I heard cute little sniffles from the other side. "Camz can you open the door please?"I asked . I didn't get any response so I did the only thing anybody would do. I got on my stomach and slid through the bottom, I heard her giggle and I finally got through and hugged her. "Its ok I'm here for you ok?" I asked. "Ok" she said. I tightened my arms around her and she did something very unexpected. Both of her legs were on each side of mine and her arms circled around my neck slightly pulling the baby had at the back of my head. We stared deeply into each other eyes totally lost into them. 'Brown is now my favorite color ' I thought to myself. Her eyes slowly started watering . I kissed the tear the slipped off her eye and gave her an Eskimo kiss. "I'm so lucky to have such a caring friend like you" she said. 'Friend' I sort of hate that word at this moment, yet again I am her friend. "Me too babe"I said then it hit me. Shit . I closed my eyes hoping she didn't hear the last part. I felt her lift her head and I knew she was looking at me. "Y /N, Y/N babe open your eyes" she said chuckling softly. I open my eyes and stared at her, but avoided eye contact. "Its ok that you called me babe I sort of like it, but only you can call me babe..well unless you get a girlfriend or something" she said the last part sadly. I didn't pay much attention to it, I started blushing and nodded. We stayed like that for a few minutes until we heard the bell signaling the next class. I got up and still had Camila wrapped around me. I laughed and told her we had to go, she said ok and we left the restroom going our separate ways. I went inside my class to get my stuff and headed to the next one. As I was walking I swear I could few pairs of eyes on me, I looked around and there was plenty if eyes checking me out . literally .

One more class before lunch whooooo!. As I sat through the class I couldn't help but daydream about the beautiful brown eyed girl. I wish I was her type and everything . I was still daydreaming until I felt a type on my shoulder. I turned around and it was the captain of the cheerleafing team. "Hey what's up?" I asked. "Uh a couple of friends and I are having a beach party, I was wondering if you wanted to go?" she asked. "Yeah sure , just text me the deets" I said and gave her a toothless grin. I handed her my phone and she texted hers through mine. After that happened I turned around and payed attention to the rest of the class.

It was now lunch time and it was the usual trio. Lana, Camila and I at the table. I put my phone in top of the table next to Camila because it bothered me in my pocket. We decided to get pizza because it was our favorite food they were serving today yasss!. We were chatting away about our grades and how I'm failing a stupid math class due to the teacher being a grumpy man. "He gives a lot of work , he us the only class that I'm failing and-" I was cut off by a hard vibration. I saw Camila reach for my phone than made a scowl. "Why do you have Amber's number" she asked clearly not happy. "She invited me to a beach party tonight, she was supposed to send me the address and stuff" I said reaching for my phone. "Yay a party, I love parties !" Lana said excitedly. "Do you want to go camz?" I asked . "no I'd rather stay at home and listen to one direction" she said smiling. "What a dork , ok so I guess its just me and lana" I said sadly . "hey you will have fun without and have more fun with Amber" she said winking at me. She is so oblivious I swear. I unlocked my phone and saw the text and the contact number. I laughed due tot the contact name . Amberlicious. "Aww she's so cute with all the emojis" I said without thinking. "Ok well I'm going to class early, see you in there Y/N" she said walking away.
Heyy lovely unicorns, I know I haven't updated in like forever, but here you go babes. Also don't forget to follow me, comment and vote on my story. If I get at least 5k I'll post a story of your choice here is a list:
1:Ally/You- On the DL
2:Lauren/You-Dont give up
3:Dinah/You-And now I'm falling
4:Normani/You-You hit it big
And the book covers up there ☝☝or to the side depending where your reading it. Hope you enjoyed this chapter I tried to make it long. Its about 1123 words and counting lol. Comment which book you would like me to write next when I reach 5k

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