Chapter 8

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Double update because you beautiful people have been waiting a long ass time and like I said I'm sorry for that but enjoy😌. And sorry for the poor grammar.


Y/N's PoV
 Dream: dark, so dark in that a light I see.
As I walked towards the bright light thinking it was guiding me, it darkned in a flash. the bright white light turned blood red and there stood my father under it like a spot light. "if it wasnt for you we would be alive right now!" he shouted angrily. then another spot light was lit, except it was blue. under it stood my mother crying "why would you choose to argue with your dad while on the road Y/N" she said crying. I didnt know what to say but just stare at the both of them. "im sorry mom and dad" I said trying to reach for them.
 "Oh My God! Im So Sorry" I heard a familiar sweet raspy voice as it ran out the door. I felt a weight on my abdomen and stood up real quickly earning a loud "ouch". "wtf" I thought loudly. My vision cleared in the darkness and saw Lauren on the floor rubbing her head. "im sorry Lauren" I chuckled lightly. I gave her a hand and helped her up. "who was that?" she questioned. " I think that was my best friend" I said with a light smile but then it quickly faded. 'oh shit what if she thought I slept with Lauren, no no no what do I tell her...cmon Y/N think' I was then smacked out of my thoughts by Lauren. "ow what was that for?" I whispered at Lauren who was currently picking up her clothes from the floor 'damn that booty tho'I thought. " you blanked out so I brought you back" Lauren said after she finished picking up her clothes and turned around to catch me checking her out which she gave me a flirty smile. "im going to ask Lana to take you home, since I have to check on my bestfriend" I said slowly backing out of my room as Lauren kept stepping forward in a seducing way. "you finish changing ok?" I said as a gave her a last once over and got out of my room.
 I knocked once "Lana" , knocked again "Lana", knocked a third time "Lana" I said knowing she was going to be pissed. I heard her quick footsteps and she popped her head out. "what!?" she wispered yelled. " can you drive Lauren to her casahome?" I asked with a pout, I knew she would give in easily she always does. "ugh fine let me just slip something on" she said and I waited patiently. 'I hope camila doesnt kill me or question me to death about what she saw, I think im worrying about it too much' Lana finally stepped out and I opened my bedroom door and told Lauren that Lana was taking her home. "see you later Y/N, text me later" Lauren said with a cute smirk and kissed the corner of my lips. I saw Lana with her thumbs up and making a kissy face. Lauren finally let go and left with Lana.
 'here we go' I thought to myself. I walked down stairs and checked the kitchen , but she wasnt there. then I checked the living room, no sign. I went to the theatre room and started scanning the few rows that were installed. "marco" I said. no response. "MARCO!" I yelled. I heard a small giggle. "marcoooo" I said in a singy voice. "I dont know if your trying to look for marco or for camila" she said standing up from her position and walked towards me, with a small smile. I met her halfway and embraced her with my hands on her waist and hers aroung my neck like always. " i thought that you said that you didnt want to come?" I asked with a slight frown. "my parents left for a bit and I didnt want to be alone, so I came to surprise you but instead im the one who got surprised" she said as she let go of me and walked towards the middle of the aisle
 "she was just a friend camila, she was drunk and I helped for the night. I wasnt going to let her go home like that." I said softly. "she was on top of you half naked Y/N" she said with a venom on her tongue. she fell asleep on the bed before she even had the chance to fully change" I said raising my voice a little. " why are you acting like a jealous girlfriend karla" I said sternly. "why did you call me that! you never call me that", she said witha sad frown. " I just care about you Y/N, your my best friend and I dont want you to get hurt" she said. 'ugh there it is again, that word' " I understand camila, but we are still young and I am eventually going to get hurt but we all move one" I said. "im sorry Y/N " she said hugging me again. she slowly looked up at me from my chest and asked " so who is the girl?". "it"s Ambers cousin" I said. " so you want to watch a movie?" I asked smiling at the cute girl who is still hugging me. "yes but first breakfast!" she said letting me go and ran to the kitchen.
 I made my way to the kitchen and I heard the lovely girl shout me a question "Y/N! do you have bananas! I cant seem to find them". I reached my destination and saw the short girl reaching for the top kitchen cabinets. "ha I knew you were a money!, you can sniff out bananas wherever I put them" I chuckled as I saw that I scared her. "HA HA HA, your so funny" she said with sarcasm written all over her face. "can you get them for me" she asked with a pout. "your the monkey here, climb and get them" I said in a joke matter. she glared at me for a few seconds then answered "fine jerk, ill get them myself but im not giving you any" she mumbled and started climbing to get the bananas. she started struggling to get the amount of bananas out of the bunch and slipped about to fall off the counter she had climbed. I tried to catch her but miscalcuted her fall trying to get her in my arms but ended up with her butt in my face.
 "oh my jeezus Y/N you ok?" she asked. I tried telling her to get off of me but all that came out was "mhh hmhh mhhh". im not sure if she was acting dumb or got hit on the head, because she wouldnt get off. so I did what anybody would do. I bit her butt , hard. "ow Y/N !" " you wouldnt get off, were you trying to suffocate me with your ass?" I said as I took in deep breaths. " im sorry" she said with a nervous laugh.  she started making banana pancakes and then we ate them duh. we spent the rest of the day holed up in the theatre room watching alot of old classic movies, it was only saturday.


hopefully you enjoyed it 😂, keep voting and commenting , keep me inspired to keep writing this treasure and many more

-Anonymous Anonymously

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