Chapter 11

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Yn Pov
"so what's wrong camz?" I asked again. "u-um nothing is wrong , why would anything be wrong-" she started rambling. I decided to avoid the actual problem. "because you've been real quiet" I said. "I just dont feel like talking today" she responded. she started to get closer to me , her hand slowly reaching for my thigh. The light turned green and I started driving again. Camila looked like she was snapped out of a trance and turned around looking out the window. she cupped her mouth and started mumbling it sounded like "oh my god, oh my god, what the heck is wrong with me , im only fifteen". I held back laughter which was very difficult to due. 'oh camz' I thought as I kept on driving.
 We finally arrived back at the beach house and decided to watch movies again. I ordered us some hawaiian pizza and mean while I brought some drinks from the fridge into the theatre room. As soon as I sat down I received a text.
Laurenza: Hey you home yet?Yn: yeah what's up?
Laurenza: I want to hangout! :/
Yn: today?
Laurenza: No next year -_-, of course today
Yn: ugh ok give me an hour or two
Laurenza: still on your date ;)
Yn: watch it! or else ill give a sape when I see you
Laurenza: ok ok lol text me when your done with your date :')
I swear when I see her. camila came in the room with my blanket from my room and one of my old softball jersey. yes I used to be in softball, that's the only thing I took and kept. 'she looked fuckin flame wearing, like damn mamacita' I thought. 'oh no! dont get boner dont get boner' 'naked old lady' 'oh thank god, that worked' Camila kept looking at me weird, I think its because I had my eyes shut tight thinking about the naked old lady who saved my life from embarrassment. Put on the dvd which was Grease, my ultimate fave (sorry if you dont like grease). She made her way to the love seat where I was currently sitting at and cuddled up beside and covered us with the blanket.
I gotta say it's freaking hard , just sitting here with her basically sitting on my lap. the movie was almost over and I felt her slowly falling asleep so I tried scooting away from her. but you know what she did, she scooted back into my crotch which immediately gave me a boner. so I quickly stood up and tried going to the restroom . "where are you going?" she asked with one eye open. "im going to the restroom real quick" I said. I quickly rushed to my room and went to the restroom. I tried calming down by breathing in and out slowly and tried thinking about the naked old lady, which took like five minutes this time. I dont know why. oh god I hope im not into naked old ladies. ewwwwwwwwwww. it finally went down and I washed my face and flushed the toilet just incase. I walked back into the theatre room/den and saw her knocked out. So I took this opportunity to go hang out with lauren. I know I'm a horrible for leaving her here all alon- "yn im hoome" I heard Lana say through the house. 'right on time' I thought. I got a sticky note from the kitchen fridge and wrote down a note for camz and sticked it to her forehead. "hey Lana , my dear , sweet , beauti-" "what do you want Yn" she asked with annoyance in her voice. 'what's up her ass' I thought. eh ill ask her later. "I was wondering if you can hang out with camz for the rest of the day, Lauren asked to hang out so yeah, pleaseeeee?" I asked with a pout. "fine only because I haven't hanged out with camzi" she said with a small smile. "thank you! ok well I gotta go, I left a not for camila on her forehead make sure she reads it haha" I left laughing.
I got on my jeep and I complete forgot to ask Lauren for her address. I my bluetooth earpiece and connected it to my phone. "siri" I said. "yes Yn baby" ' I know its a bit weird for siri to call you that , but she's my virtual girlfriend even when she doesn't understand or help me. "siri call Laurenza" I sadi loud enough so she can hear me correctly. "calling Laurenza" I heard the ringing and then she picked up.
Laurenza:*shuffling noises* h-hey Yn, um why are you calling me?
Yn: " I forgot to ask you for your address"
Laurenza: "why didnt you text me"
Yn:"because I'm driving smart one"
Laurenza: "well I didnt know that , ill send you the address"
Yn: "kk"
I said and hanged up. I then received a text from lauren with her address. the light turned red , so I took the opportunity to click the address and put it on the gps. I then followed the navigation direction and found her house. I parked on the side and sent her a text that I was already here. She soon came out with jean shorts and a band shirt. "hey Laurenza" I said giving her a hug. she chuckled in my neck and backed away to see my face. "I still dont get why you call me Laurenza" she said laughing. "it's because you remind me of a vampire in the victorian era and that would be your vampire name" I said with a full explanation. she just looked at me and blushed. "your soo cute " she said pinching my cheeks. 'gosh now it's my turn to blush' I thought. "so what do you want to do anyways?" I asked. she just shrugged and said "I dont know I dont care I just wanted to hang out with you" all smiley. 'ugh smiley lauren will be the death of me' I thought. "do you like sports?" I asked. "yeah im softball, volleyball,cheerleading" she said. "I used to play softball before, in the little leagues , I think im going to try out this year, but I need to change into the class first". this gave lauren an idea because she quickly spoke up. "oh! lets go to the batting cages , there is one close by here actually" , "sure why not let's go". lauren quickly went inside to tell her parents she was going out and I just waited in the jeep.
It took like ten minutes to get to the batting cages. I gotta say lauren is a pretty good hitter. wouldn't want play against her. after a while something stupid happen. I dont even want to say it . I got hit with a damn ball TWICE!, the first time it hit my thigh, but real close to my crotch so I pretended I was fine so lauren wouldn't come inside and 'check it out' and then the second time I got hit on my right eye, but it was just the cheek that swelled a bit. she got me an icepack from the concession stand they had here. after we bought some snacks and chatted for a bit, then I took her home.
My thigh hurt so bad when we got there, so I just rubbed it a bit, then my hand was replaced by a pale soft hand. 'oh this is not bueno' I thought. I stopped her before she even started rubbing it. "im ok lauren I'll just put some ice when I get come. "um Yn , I know about this" she said cupping my member. I gulped loudly. shit. I did a nervous laugh and removed her hand, and slid down the seat a little because of the embarrassment. she took my hands off my face that I was currently coverIng. "Yn it's totally cool, I dont mind, I think its pretty hot" she said sending a me wink. 'seriously?' "how did you know?" I asked. "when you went to sleep I went and laid down with you and I felt your boner" she said looking away with a blush. "please dont tell anybody" I begged. "Yn what makes you think I will do that?"she asked hurt. "I'm sorry I didnt mean to make you look like a bully or anything" I said in worried voice. "I wont tell anyone I promise, Does your bestfriend know?" she asked. I shook my head no, and l swear I saw a small smile. " ok well thanks for hanging out with me Yn , txt me when you get home ok?" she said taking off her seatbelt. "yeah of course" I told her. "ciao" she said kissing the corner of my mouth like always. I left after I saw her go inside her house.

I went to the office on monday to talk to my counselor to add softball for an extra period. my schedule stayed the same, but now I had softball at the end. the week went by pretty quick, I made new friends in softball, the coach saw how good I was and was instantly put on the varsity team. Even though softball season doesn't start till around february, we still had practice everyday. Camila would spend her time in the library or she would call her mom to pick her up from school, due to my softball practice. Lana decide to tryout for the cheerleading team. she made it to being in the junior varsity which is the second best. We hardly saw Camila, sometimes she would stay to watch me practice but she suddenly stopped coming. She wouldn't also text me as much. When I joined softball my new friends joined us at our table, so it was no longer the three musketeers. I was coming out of a softball practice when I received a text from camz.
Camzipoo: We need to talk.

Discovery (Camila/you)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora