Chapter Twelve

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Yn Pov
So its been about like three months since camila and i had 'The Talk'. It was just about how we never hang out anymore and how being in softball is changing. I love playing softball, it brings me back to the old little league days. I wish she understood. I told her i would try to hang more often and i assured her i haven't really changed much. Halloween passed, i went to a party with lauren that night while Camila took Sofi trick o treating. She had asked me to accompany her but lauren had already invited me to the party. Camila and Lauren actually never met, they dont even know each others name honestly. I'm not hiding them from each other, they dont really ask about each other much. well sometimes gets a little jealous about me hanging out with the mystery friend.

Thanksgiving we went to Texas to visit a family member that lives there. So i took the opportunity to go hangout with Ally. We texted every once in a while after her break up. I also happen to run into this beautiful dark skinned girl, she was rushing late to a ballet class, so i offered her a ride, because i was walking to my car when we bumped into each other. We exchanged numbers and made small talk until we arrived at the studio.

Christmas was weird, i mean the cabello's invited us to their Christmas party. It was fun , but i would often be asked if i was Camila's girlfriend. I wish i was haha. One of her cousins even put the mistletoe in front of us. of course i kissed her in the cheek. She was a blushing red tomato. it was cute. I got Camila a friendship bracelet that said friends forever and it had 'I Love You" engraved inside. She loved it, She got got me me something similar. Inside it had 'true love never dies'. I also got presents from Ally and Normani. Ally sent me a Cross necklace that had my name in the back and Normani got me a build a bear dressed in similar clothing she last saw me. which was a purple flannel with acid washed jeans and some black Doc Martin's. I sent ally a $100 Gift Card to Waffle house and i got Normani some Dance shoes and a $50 Gift card to Popeye's Chicken.
It's now like a few hours away from new years, so tomorrow will be the first. Everybody is running like chickens with out heads. Getting everything ready for the countdown and celebration. I hope I get to give Camz her first kiss tonight, the cpr doesn't count even though it was cute. As I was walking up to my room i got a text from Lauren.
Laurenza: hey so is the party on for tonight?
Yn: well duh my parents are hosting it you airhead
Laurenza: hey! no need for name calling babe

lauren and i have a weird friendship, we got closer and closer everyday. we call each other pet names and what not. she knows i have feelings for someone else because i told her.
Yn: so are you coming tonight?
Larenza: i might be late
Yn: why what are you going to do?
Laurenza: luis invited me to his party, so im just gonna check it out for a bit, but ill be there for the countdown for sure ok?
Yn: i have a bad feeling about Luis Lolo :/, he's a douche.
Laurenza: He's ok lol ill see you later ok love?
Yn: fine but you better get you cuban ass here before the countdown.
Laurenza: k i promise :*

As soon as i put my phone away i heard the doorbell ring like a million times. "Yn! can you get that please im trying to finish these appetizers for tonight!" mom yelled from kitchen downstair. I groaned and made my way down sliding on the stair bannister. Landing safely i made my way to the door and i swung the door open and was tackled with a hug on my legs. I looked down and i saw sofi tightly holding on to my legs. "hi yn" she said in her cute little voice. I invited the rest of the Cabello family and they all went their separate ways. Mama C went with my mother to the kitchen with Sofi tagging along and Papa C went with my dad to the backyard, where my dad was roasting chicken. Camila stood there awkwardly waiting for something to happen. "do you want to go upstairs?" i asked "yeah sure" she said. I took her hand and took her upstairs to my room. She just sat in my bed without a word. "say something camz?" i asked. "i just feel like your changing alot and too fast, i know for sure once softball season starts you wont even acknowledge me" she said sadly. "thats not true cami i'm still going to be the same Yn as i was when we first met" i said trying to make her understand. "no your not, we hardly talk and hangout, we dont even go to the beach house anymore" she said with tears threatning to leave her beautiful brown eyes. "camz im sorry, i just- i uh im just busy you know. i will go off to college in like two years, im trying to get a scholarship with softball" i said trying to reasonable. "i understand Yn" she said wiping her eyes. "so how have youve been" i asked trying to change the subject and make it all about her. "well i like this boy-" she started "what!" i asked loudly. 'wtf when did this shit happen' i thought to myself. "yeah his name is manny, he's really cute Yn like omg how can you be so cute" she gushed. 'damn i cant believe she likes someone else, i didnt move fast enough and somebody else took her attention' i thought sadly. So i did what any bestfriend would do.
"I'm so happy for you camz!" i said and gave her a tight hug. i felt her tense up and then she relaxed and took a sniff of my hair. she probably thought i wouldnt notice. We hugged for like five minutes that she ended up cuddled up in my lap as i lightly stroked her hair. i felt my phone vibrate on my pocket and it was lauren calling, 'why is she calling' i thought. i removed camz from my lap and answered the call. of course me being stupid and oblivious to camila being in the same room i answered like this.
Yn: hey babe!
Laurenza: hey Yn , so i called to let you know that i will make it in time for the countdown because this party is complete shit, oh and my stupid cousin is also going and one of her weird friends
Yn: thats fine beautiful as long as they dont cause trouble
Laurenza: ok well i'll see you in a bit bye babe
Camila was giving me a killer look. "who was that?" she asked suspiciously. "um just a friend" i said. "why cant you just tell tell me that you have a girlfriend Yn!" she said getting up angrily. "because she's not camila she's just my friend!" i argued back. " plus why are you getting mad at me?" asked. "beacause you dont tell anything anymore, like im nothing" she said sadly. "you know what just dont talk to me since you never do" she said angrily and walked out the door. "but i love you" i whispered lowly. i threw myself against my bed and got a pillow and yelled into it very loudly. i took a nap and felt weight on my stomach.
"wake up sleepy head" a raspy feminine voice whispered into my ear. i got chills and it gave me a slight boner. I instantly got up and cuddled up to the person." Some one is very affectionate today and slightly turned on" the same voice whispered against my ear and bit it. "Laurenza staaahhp!" i groaned against her neck. she pressed more into me and i swear i could've came like right then and there. i pushed lauren off of me and went into the restroom. i washed my sleepyness from my face and combed my hair, i took a shower earlier but i noticed a wet stained on my boxers. i groaned and so i took a quick shower. i came out of the shower with a towel rapped around my body and i saw lauren on her phone. As i walked towards my closet i felt beautiful green eyes follow my every move. i got inside my closet and put on some tight boxers and a sports bra. i decided to be a tease and called lauren. "laurrrenzaa!' i called. "what Yn?" she asked nervously. "can you come in here and help me choose what to wear?" i asked with a smirk. i heard quick footsteps and there stood a flustered lauren biting her lip. i walked closer to her and snapped my fingers in her face. she looked away and laughed nervously as she started looking through my clothes. She picked out some black jeans with a jim morrison white tee and my black leather jack along with my combat boots.
"damn Lolo you should totally be my stylist" i said as i kissed her in the cheek and walked out. "you coming?" i asked. "ye-yeah i'll be there in a bit" she said. i walked out laughing and headed down stairs. i went around for like two hours saying hi to our friends and family.
it was almost time and i couldnt find lolo or camz. As the countdown started i started thinking about all the good times with family and friends. i felt so blessed to be in a loving family. "three, two , one!" i heard the crowd shout. i closed my eyes and i felt a pair of soft lips on mine and heard them say "happy new years".
Woah who do you think it is?
Did you feel the spark?
-Anonymous Anonymously

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