Chapter 7

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Camila PoV (couple of minutes before coming out of school)


I was rushing through the halls of the school because I knew the girls were waiting for me outside. I was so close to go through the double doors when I was harshly pulled back by a strong arm. "hey clutzbello" the person said. 'not again' I mentally whined. I turned to face her and prepared for the worst. "your little girlfriend is not here to save you this time" she had a nasty smirk in her face. she grabbed my wrists and threw me against the lockers hard. it hurt like hell. she then attempted to punch me in the stomach but I dodged it and ran under her through the double doors. I walked a little faster and made my way to Y/N 's car. I wiped my tears before I was visible to the girls. I approached the two girls who were talking about the dumb party amber had invited Y/N. I guess you can say im a bit on edge about that. "ready?" Y/N asked. I just nodded and got on the jeep. I stayed silent for a bit till Y/N spoke up "what's wrong Camila?" she asked. in a worrying tone. "Nothing I-im fine" I said , damn why did I stutter, now she knows im not ok. I just wanted to cry so bad at that moment. I tried biting down on my quivering lip because I dont want them to worry. it was mostly quiet thank god they didnt ask further more. Y/N parked the car at the front of my house. I quickly jumped out and rushed to my house but not before yelling "have fun at the party!" I rushed inside and slumped against the door and started crying uncontrollably.

 after an hour of crying and listening to One Direction Y/N texted me asking me if I wanted to stay at the beach house with them,but I told her no. I felt bad afterwards but I didn't feel like texting her back. I fell asleep in my room till the next morning. I woke up super early like around 6:30 A.M. I walked down stairs to find a note basically saying that my parents were going to be out for the weekend and sofi was at my aunts house. just great, I hate being alone.

 I got my bike and packed my uniform along with a few other clothes and shoes in my backpack. I started heading to Y/N beach house to surprise her. As I rode down the street it was still kind of dark but it was calm and quiet. it felt really nice, I should take bike rides more often.

 I was riding down the road to the beach and parked my bike in front of the house. I stepped on the welcome matt and felt the key they had there. Y/N had told me about it the other day. I unlocked it and took my time going inside and admiring it. I've never been here before, but its beautiful how Y/N had mentioned. I went upstairs and spotted like five rooms down the hall. well this is gonna be hard. I checked the first three rooms and they were all empty. I checked the second to the last and Lana was spread on the bead snoring. I lightly chuckled at the scene. I slowly closed her door and I figured the last door was Y/N's room. I opened it slowly and I saw her bed was not made and it looked like someone slept there. I saw the covers leading to the couch. "Oh My God! Im so sorry !" I said out loud as I rushed to get out of there. I scared the two people sleeping on the couch and I heard a hard "ouch" and a "wtf". I walked down stairs and went to look for the theatre room. i needed to be alone and take in what i saw.
 I cant believe Y/N slept with another girl... I mean I shouldn't put that much thought into it right? she's my bestfriend. I dont love her like that right?. why do I feel my heart hurting. i felt my heart beating hard and fast, i took deep breaths in and out. i then heard heavy footsteps going back and forth around the top floor. i heard lana's door open and close and heart low whispers. i dont know why they are whispering though. after a few minutes i heart two sets of foot steps go out the front door.


I know its short AF I'm sorry 😞, I'm trying to update as soon as I can I'm updating from my phone, but if I get lots of comments and votes ill probably do a double update (crossing my fingers) and keep voting I'm already going to start writing the rest of them and ill give you a prologue for each if you ask for it😄 ok hope you enjoyed it!

P.S I made a twitter account for YN.. link is my bio, you can tweet YN 😉

-Anonymous Anonymously

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