Imma get rid of him

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I picked her up off the floor and laid her on the bed.

"Bey I swear I didn't. I would never."

"That's what they all say." She slurred.

"Who bey? Who is all??" I was now more worried.

"My mon when my dad raped me. My dad when all my uncles raped me. My brother when my cousin raped me. My cousin when my aunt raped me. Everyone I know." She said before slipping in and out of consciousness.

I was at a loss for words. She'd been through so much.

"Bey I'm not like them I swear. I'm gonna kill my dad for you." I said once she slipped back into consciousness.

"Do whatever just let me die." She said before slipping out of consciousness again.

I called Wayne and told him to send men after my dad and take him to the warehouse then I asked him to come to beys house.

Once he arrived I let him come upstairs.

"Look I need help. She's overdosed. The kids haven't eaten. Nothing is okay in this house. I need you save her whilst I go food shop."

"Do I look like a nurse to you?" He asked.

"Do you want me to slap you?" I shot back. He shook his head and agreed. I went to the twins room and picked up blue. She needed to be changed and fed. I found a diaper but no wipes to I washed her in the sink in the bathroom then dried her off and put the diaper on.

I changed her and took her baby bag. It was empty but once I go shopping I can fill it up. I went back downstairs and told the twins to come with me. I was going to take them for a proper hot meal in a restaurant.

We arrived at the mall first. I got blue out and put her in the stroller I had bought that was in my trunk. The twins got out and I made them hold on to the stroller on either side of me.

First we went to a baby store for diapers, baby food, wipes and other baby things. Then I took them to different clothes stores and let them pick out all the clothes they wanted. For summer, winter, autumn, spring, everything. I got them a few new clothes for school as well, all expensive things so they can shit on anyone who talks about them. I decided to get bey a few things to.

After we went to a grocery store and I bought them food to last them months. I let them pick out everything they like and got a few ready meals that they could make themselves if bey isn't feeling well.

"How do you make the ready meals?" Solan asked.

"You just put them in the microwave." I said.

"We don't have one.." he said trailing off.

I knew they didn't have much at all and it made me feel so bad. I went to the kitchen supply aisle and picked out a few things that they might need.

After I bought our big shop, I decided to take them to a fancy, expensive restaurant and not the ones that barely give you any food.

I let them order what they wanted no matter how much it cost and looked at the smiles on their faces. They seemed so happy and grateful. It was good to take their minds off of what's happening back home.

When they were done, I payed and we left. As we headed back to their house and I could see they started to feel more uncomfortable. I parked then went and got blue out the car. When I got to the front door it was open. I took blue upstairs and laid her in her cot. She was sleeping peacefully. I managed to feed her earlier.

I went back downstairs seeing the the twins bring some of the shopping in.  I told them to sit down as I bought the rest of the things in. Once everything was in, they helped me take the groceries to the kitchen before I took all the stuff I bought for bey upstairs and went to check on her.

She was sitting up in her bed drinking something and Wayne was sitting on the edge of it.

"Hey, how is she?" I asked Wayne.

"She's doing better. I pumped out almost all the pills and she threw up the rest. I gave her some lemon and honey to drink and made her some soup. She'll be fine soon." He said.

"Ugh good. Could you go help the twins downstairs?" He nodded and left.

"Hey, I bought you some things" I said holding the bags up.

She gave me a weak smile then put her drink down.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like this and that you got involved. We would've been fine. You didn't have to this." Bey said quietly.

"Bey the kids hadn't eaten in ages and blue desperately needed changing." I said softly.

"Doesn't matter. We would've managed." She shrugged.

"You and the kids haven't been in school in awhile. Social services could've got involved. They could've taken the kids away."

"I thought ahead and called the school saying they off sick. Anyways I still appreciate you." She looked off to the side away from me. I sighed.

"Look Bey. I know you blame me. I blame me too. I told you to move in. I took the kids out. It was my fault but imma make it up to you." I said feeling the tears about to fall.

"Killing your dad won't take it back nic. You know how many people my dad killed for me? It didn't make me feel any better. It didn't solve anything."

"This is different bey. I'm not gonna let him carry on living his life after what he did to you. You're mine and I'd never let anything happen to you ever. If I had known what he was gonna do I would've killed him before he even got to lay a finger on you. Bey I promise I care about you. I promise I'm not like every one else. Let me take care of you and show you that you can trust me. I'll protect you. I promise."

"Nicki.. it's.. it's okay.. I'm just gonna go back to living with my dad. Or we can live here alone and manage. You don't have to kill your dad. It's okay.."

"Beyoncé.. I love you okay! Ik it's a bit forward and soon but I love you. I want to make you mine. I already feel like you are mine. I'd do anything to protect mine. Please. I want your trust back." I said holding her hands. She froze. Not knowing what to say.

Maybe this was too soon...

"I'd.. wanna be yours too.. but..

This is long overdue😭😭😭. I've literally had this in my drafts since like 2021??😭😭😭.

And yes I'm leaving it on another cliffhanger. Fight me💀.

But anywayyys. I Hope you enjoy this ugly lil chapter💀. Sorry for any mistakes.

Love you allll. Hope you have a good day/night🩵🩵🩵.

Peace 😗✌️.

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