Part 6: Genin Teams

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(Real quick note, thank you to everyone for getting this story over 100 views. Was not expecting it.)

Naruto woke up to the sound of two people talking.

"Tenten, you should head home, get ready for your day."

"Kurenai-san! It's my fault Naruto-kun passed out. I caused so much mental stress to his precious mind. It's my fault he nearly killed himself!"

Kurenai froze in fear as she remembered the events from last night.

She was instantly snapped out of her shock as she saw Naruto's eyes open.

"Naruto-kun!"  The crimson eyed female yelled out.

Tenten instantly sat up in shock, a big grin engulfing her face. 

She swiftly moved over to the grey haired boy and hugged him tightly,

"Tenten-chan, what are you doing here?"  Naruto said while yawning.

Tenten was suddenly flustered as she remembered that Naruto was shirtless. She wanted to drool as she rubbed her hands across his perfect back. She never wanted this moment to end.

Kurenai was watching and didn't like what she was seeing. 

"Ahem!"  she blurted out.

Tenten almost immediately released the hug

"Tenten here was worried about you, so she stayed here the whole night, looking after you."

Naruto was shocked as he looked over to Tenten. She looked at him while completly red. All she could reply with was a nod. Naruto grinned as he cupped Tenten's cheek. 

She was shocked and was about to ask what he was doing until she felt Naruto's soft, warm lips kiss her forehead. A volcano of happiness erupted inside of her. 

Naruto pulled his lips away from Tenten's forehead, making her frown. Naruto seeing this giggled. 

Meanwhile Kurenai was furious. Her motherly instincts kicked in. She yelled out Kakashi's name as loud as she could. Kakashi who was reading his book heard this and Shinshuned into Naruto's room.

"Kurenai! What is it?"  Kakashi yelped out.

"Kakashi! Your son just kissed Tenten on the forehead!"  she yelled out.

"I'll deal with him honey, don't worry."  Kakashi replied back, fear filling his voice.

Kurenai stormed out the room.

"Tenten-chan, you better leave. I need to get ready anyways."  Naruto said while rubbing the back of his head.

"Okay then Naruto-kun. I'll see you after school. Let's have Ichiraku tonight!"  She replied with.

Naruto smiled and rubbed her head. She was about to get off of his bed until Naruto pulled her back in for one last hug. Tenten started drooling again. Naruto gave her one last kiss on the cheek before she hopped off his bed. She was squealing in happiness as she ran out of his room.

Naruto then turned his attention onto his Tou-san. Kakashi had seen what happened and was looking at his son. 

Naruto was nervous as he waited for his Tou-san to do something. Kakashi finally broke the silence by sighing. He made his way over to the boy and started ruffling his hair. 

"You have more game than me. I'm proud of you."

Naruto smiled as Kakashi made his way out of his room.

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