Chapter 2 Paige's P.O.V.

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I hear glass and someone fall from the kitchen. I started walking fast towards the kitchen and see Walter on the floor and blood on the floor. I panicked! "Are you okay??!!" I said in a shaky and worried voice. "No I think I broke my leg and hit my head hard" Walter said. "What do you want me to do??!" I asked. "Help me up" he said as he was groaning in pain. "Drew get in here!!" I yelled. A few seconds later I hear a car engine start up and drive away. What did Drew just drove off with my son? I'm so pissed he and I will have to talk later. I help Walter up and helped him to get to the couch. "I got to get you to a hospital!!". "Wait before we go y-- you have to pull this big piece of glass out first or it will get infected" he said. "How the hell am I supposed to do that??" I yelled. "J-just pull it out on the count of 3". I grab the glass gently and put my other hand on his leg to hold it down. "1 -----2------3!!" And I'd pulled it out. I felt even more worried and nervous because he yelled in so much pain. "Okay let's get you into my car" I said in a shaky voice. As I we start walking slowly to my car he falls. I picked him up and I put him in the passenger seat.
While I was driving he blacked out I yelled "Walter!! Walter stay with me!!". I drive faster to the hospital.
We arrived two minutes later and they brought him in with a stretcher and wheeled him in to surgery.

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