Chapter 2

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"My dad was amazing. He was the kind of guy that helped everyone. I think, that to both my mom and I, he was like our guy Cinderella." Everyone started to laugh in between their sobs.
"I didn't really realized how much I'm going to miss him until now"
Suddenly I started to cry. I just couldn't stop. I tried for long after his funeral. I just couldn't.
"Hey honey, good morning. How did you sleep?"asked my mom as I sat my self down. I don't know why but today I seamed to be a little bitchy. If you know what I meant.
" good mom what about you?" I asked my mom waving at her. Although I really don't why I really waved but ehh I still did.
"Hey honey, I have to go into town. Do you want to come with or stay?"
"Umm I think I'm just going to stay here and finish some homework."
"Okay then, see you later. There are some left overs from yesterday in the fridge okay honey!"
"Okay mom. Go I will be just fine, I've stayed home a lot of times before." I waved to my mom as I saw her drive away. Going inside our house I stepped on a thorn.
"Ahh!!! You little idiot! That hurt a lot you idiot!" I was talking to myself. As I thought to myself I said,"You should have looked down, or better yet had gotten shoes!" I hated yelling to myself because, believe it or not, it gave me a headache. I hated not having my dad. I hated being alone. I hated my..... okay I think you get the idea. As you can see I was going to say that I hated my life but that wouldn't be right. I had a best friend that loved me and I loved her. I had a boyfriend. I had a great mom. I had great friends in general. I was sorta popular. Oh who was I kidding! I was really popular! My whole high school knew me. I had to give to many hi fives that sometimes I lost count. I had a 'possy' with me everywhere I went. So I was sorta a big deal in my high school. But that didn't madder anymore. I didn't need so many friends I needed the one thing that God took away from me, my dad.

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