Chapter 7

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"Hi mom how was the trip over here?"
"Alright I guess pumpkin how was it here?"
"So do you want to talk about 'that'?"
"Um sure mom but I think we better sit down." she said patting the sofa next to her. As she began to talk, I began to cry
" as you can see, we are in a bit in a pickle here."
"What? Oh, sorry I wasn't listening mom. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I was saying that the bank took the house and we are moving from the city to the country side of the state. I already took you out of your school and enrolled you in another school."
When she finished all I could do was stare at her. Stare..stare...stare....stare...stare. After all that staring my eyes hurt so I closed them. I scared the freak out of my mom! It was funny! For reals! Nah but I did and my mom almost killed me. She said, and I quote ' if you die, I will bring you back and kill you again!'
It was really funny though. I got all serious for like 20 seconds before I started to laugh again. And to finish everything up, I had to pee after that.

That night I thought about what my mom had said. New school? That meant I had to make new friends! It took me 3 years to make good friends! How was I suppose to make more friends?! I don't know but I hoped they were better then the ones I had. I remember one time in 7th grade they hurt me so bad I didn't talk to them for four months. I had to get over that but that was in the past. I also remember a time in our junior prom that my best friend stole my date and I don't talk to her anymore and to be honest I sorta miss her. But last year, she moved away to France. Really, she moved the summer that I decided to talk to her again at school.

My new school was named after the 'father' of our country. It was Gorge Washington High School. It was in a town named ViewRiver. It was a few hours from Las Vargas. It was a farm town. They grew corn. Everyone did. Doesn't that sound fun? Answer: N to the O! Btw: I'm a cheerleader.

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