The 'Beloved' Manor |Chapter 1|

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Tommy groaned as he sat up slowly, mumbling to himself, questioning what had happened earlier that night, when suddenly a familiar voice squeaked " 'Morning sleeping beauty!" "Wha?- Tubbo?- what are you doing here?-" Tommy grumbled sleepily. "Do you not remember bossman?-" "huh- remember what??-" "uhhh....Did you hit your head??-" "No? I mean my head doesn't hurt?-" "Alright boss man-". The room was silent for a couple of minutes as Tommy was waking up slowly, but soon one of the two broke the silence. "I'm gonna go steal some of Techno's apples,  wanna come too Tubbo?" Tommy asked out of sheer boredom. "Sure! I'm bored anyways-" Tubbo replied. "FUCK YEAH LETSS GOOO" Tommy yelled with excitement.
Later, while heading to Techno's apartment complex using Google maps, they take a wrong turn

"Hey, Tommy?- I think we might've taken a wrong turn- because I don't think he lives in an apartment complex in the woods-" "Nahhhh, as a big man tub-so, I don't make mistakes. And because of that, that makes me corre- HOLY SHIT THAT'S AN ABANDONED BUILDING-"
"Uhm- what's so special about an abandoned building?-" Tubbo asked with clear confusion. "It's not just ANY building Tubbs, it's CLEARLY an abandoned MANSION." "Oohhhh- oh I see now-" "sooo~ wanna go in Tubs?? It'll be fun~" Tommy asked.
"*sigh* Fiinneeee- but you're going in first." Tubbo sighed. "YESS- LET'S GO THEN!" Tommy yelled with clear excitement.
The house was a faded white, covered with vines. It looked like the house had survived a living hell, though both of the boys knew why. The door was unlocked, which was to Tommy and Tubbo's surprise. They heard creaking and light footsteps, but they assumed that raccoons were in the house. The inside of the house was surprisingly in better shape than the outside. The floor was all a nice marble tile, mixing Grey with white. The walls were a nice greyish-blue. Tubbo and Tommy carefully took in their surroundings with one thing at a time. While looking around Tommy groaned in pain as he hit his hip on a small coffee table, then continued to study everything. Then he found a golden locket, with the initials R.B carved into it. Inside was the name 'Beloved' and a picture of a tall boy. Tommy then found photos of seemingly a family, supposedly the family that lived here. He saw the name Beloved a lot, and then began to theorize using what he saw in the house.
"Hmmm" Tommy hummed.  "Apparently this is the 'Beloved' Residence? - what kind of fucking name is 'BeLoVeD'??" Tommy said curiously. "Oi knock it off dickhead-" "AYE?- WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL M-" Tommy's voice was quickly cut off by a vase on the dining room table falling and shattering to millions of glass fragments on the ground. They both stood in pure silence, you could hear a paperclip drop in every room in the mansion. Suddenly a tall figure appeared behind Tommy. Tubbo stood still in pure fear, taking in everything that he saw. He saw a ghost, a very human-like ghost in all honesty. It had half black-half white hair that was split in the middle and covered one eye, however, he couldn't see its eyes because it was wearing sunglasses and a mask, it was also wearing a white shirt with a coral-colored aloha shirt over it along with jeans and black shoes. Even though sunglasses were there, he could still see mismatched red and green glowing eyes. The ghost also had a tail, thin as a line, but at the end, it was back and white, and very fluffy. The ghost had pointed ears as well. The ghost was taller than both of them combined *well maybe because it was floating*. Something about the ghost was off to Tubbo for some he had known whoever this ghost is..well..was-

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