The end of a friendship? |Chapter 6|

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Again, ANGST. MUAHAHAHAHAHA. you all are fools if ya'll think that after a chapter of nothing but fluff you won't get angst....>:]]

Ranboo had awoken to a bright light beaming, clawing its way through the blinds to get to his eyes as a sign to wake him for the day. His eyes fluttered open, quickly squinting shut due to the blinding lights. He groaned in pain as he sat up, the realization kicking in of what had happened earlier that morning.

He felt something light but still heavy on him, so he glanced down at his legs and was startled to see a child in his lap.

Ranboo's pov!

Who was this kid again? What was his name?? ... shit.

I started to go through my thoughts of what had happened earlier that morning to remember the child's name, then it clicked. How can I take care of him? Tommy's already struggling enough with him and Tubbo, then I came along, and now.... Michael! That's his name!

Third-person pov

Ranboo had been deep in thought when he got startled by Michael shuffling around on Ranboo's legs.

Michael yawned while stretching his small arms and legs as far as they could go. "Mornin' Michael!" Ranboo said to the sleepy child in his legs sitting up, silently praying that he got his name correct. "Good morning Mr. Boo" Michael mumbled, having just woken up.

"So how'd you sleep?" Ranboo asked, hoping that the answer would be good but partially doubting it because he slept on Ranboo's legs with Ranboo on the couch. "I slept great! I was really warm!" Michael responded to the Man's question.

Ranboo wasn't surprised by him enjoying being warm seeing as his clothes were tattered and filthy. So when Michael was living on his own he was probably cold. That shattered Ranboo's heart into even more pieces.

"I also saw two men! One had brown curly hair and hazel eyes with a black and yellow sweater and jeans, and the other one had curly blonde hair with bright blue eyes with blue jeans and a red and white baseball shirt.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fuck. . . . .

'HOW DO YOU GO AN EXPLAIN A LITERAL CHILD THAT YOU RANDOMLY BROUGHT HOME TO YOUR FRIENDS??' Ranboo thought to himself, not even noticing Tubbo and Tommy walking into the room, seeing as he was deep in thought.

" Bossman? Are you good?-" Tubbo asked, quickly making Ranboo snap back into reality. "I- u-uhm-" Ranboo paused. "Yeah? Why do you ask?" "Wel- " Tubbo got interrupted by Tommy quickly?

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING??? BRINGING A CREATURE INTO MY H-" "michael." Ranboo growled in a low, and steady tone. "Huh?-" "His name," Ranboo was now standing over Tommy, glaring daggers at him. "Is Michael."

Ranboo glanced over at Michael on the couch. He was staring down at the floor, he looked- Ranboo didn't know how he looked. Michael had an emotion that Ranboo had never seen before. All he knew, was that it wasn't good.

He knelt down to Michael's level, and opened his arms. Michael took this as a sign to let him pick him up, soon jumping into his arms. As Ranboo was walking out of the living room, he turned toward Tommy.

"We will talk about this when the child is not present. Seeing as we have no idea of what trauma this kid has been through." Ranboo spoke in a soft, monotone voice, but his words were still harsh.

Tommy looked at his shoes. He knew what Ranboo did was wrong, but he had called the child a creature. He was a hybrid, but he wasn't A creature. Wait, isn't Ranboo a hybrid?- fuck. That's where he messed up big time.

While everything happened in three minutes, everyone forgot Tubbo was there. He was just standing there, wondering what the hell had just happened. Did- did Tommy and Ranboo just- Fight?- holy shit-

"Michael, are you hungry?" Ranboo asked after setting Michael in a chair at the kitchen table. "Mhm!" "Okay, what would you like to eat then? We have cereal, eggs, toast, and pancakes!" Ranboo would've mentioned bacon but- yeah you know-

"Pancakes please!" Michael replied to Ranboo's question. Ranboo decided that even though he was pissed off at his frie- Tom, he was still gonna make him and Tubbo pancakes because, they did NOT know how to cook.

•ten minutes later•

"EVERYONE BREAKFAST IS READY!" Ranboo yelled, attempting to get everyone's attention. It worked though, within two minutes Tubbo and Tom walked into the kitchen to the smell of pancakes, eggs, and toast.

"Ranboo you can cook?-" Tubbo asked, hoping to forget what had happened earlier that morning. "Well yeah! Who else cooks breakfast?-" Ranboo responded cheerfully, sounding like he too was hoping to forget that fight. "I thought that Tommy was the one that cooked-" Tubbo responded.

Ranboo turned toward Tommy, and did a dead sprint toward him. Tommy let out a scream before shooting up the stairs attempting to get there before Ranboo so he could lock the door..but he was too late. Ranboo already had a hold of him before he could make it to the third step. Tubbo and Michael were laughing at the sight of the two, a tall teen was holding the other one up in the air as if he was a trophy.

Then Ranboo dropped Tommy and ge let out a big 'oof' "SHIT THE EGGS-" Ranboo yelled doing a dead sprint toward the kitchen stove where there was so much smoke, it looked like a bonfire. Ranboo quickly turned of the stove and took the pan to the sink.

"RANBOO JUST USE THE SPATULA TO SCRAPE OFF THE BURNT EGG-" Tommy yelled while laughing at the sight of his friend putting on cleaning rubber gloves and slowly washing the pan. "NO" Ranboo yelled back. "WHY???" Tommy asked, now wheezing. "BECAUSE EVERY SPATULA IS A SENTIENT BEING THAT HAS IT'S OWN EMOTIONS-" Ranboo responded, making everyone else wheeze harder.

After they all ate breakfast while Ranboo was being- uh- Ranboo. Ranboo asked Tommy to come with him. Tommy was a bit hesitant, but came with him anyways.

Ranboo sighed before starting the conversation. "Listen, Tommy. " Ranboo started."I want to be friends with you, I really do! It's just- you called Michael a thing, and that made me pretty pissed- so, I'm sorry if I said anything that hurt you, or if I scared you." Tommy was shocked that Ranboo, The guy that Tommy made angry, was apologizing to him.

"Ranboo, I'm sorry that I called Michael a thing. I know that it was wrong and I don't expect you to forgive me. And also, WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU APOLOGIZING?-" Tommy shouted. "I- because I also made you mad?-" Ranboo replied, his confusion clear as day.

They sat there for about twenty more minutes, staring at the sunset. Ranboo's mind was calm, being swayed by the sunset. But, Tommy's mind was a swirling storm, going crazy with questions. He knew that the reason why Ranboo got mad at him, he called a kid a creature. But, when he corrected Tommy, Ranboo sounded- offended?-

"Hey, Ranboo?"

"Yeah Tommy? "

"Why were you offended when I called Michael a creature? "


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