The Stange Ghost |Chapter 2|

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Tommy, Tubbo, and the ghost were still standing awkwardly (well the ghost was floating but you get the idea), but then Tommy turned where Tubbo was looking and then saw it. A ghost. It had been atleast another long 3 minutes, but then eventually the ghost spoke, openly breaking the silence. "Sooo- uhmm- what are yall doing here?" Ranboo laughed awkwardly. It's voice was deep and had somewhat of an echo to its voice. "Wh-w-" Tommy was too frightened to speak without stuttering and Tubbo was to petrified to even stutter a word out. "Uhm- a-are yall good?-" The ghost asked softly but with clear concern and confusion in It's tone. "I-i don't think I'm that- Scary??-" The ghost seemed even more confused, but somehow hearing that the ghost clearly had no aggression to It's tone calmed the clingy duo down a bit to where they could both speak. "Are- are you gonna kill us orrrr?-" Tommy asked but was cut off by the ghost when it heard the words 'kill us'. "NONONONONO- WHY DO YOU THINK THAT- NO- WHY WOULD YOU EVEN THINK THAT-??" The ghost yelled with clear concern written all over It's featureless face. "I DON'T FUCKING KNOW 'ghost' YOU TELL ME?" Tommy yelled back. "Wh- y- *sigh* you know what, I believe we may or may not have gotten off on the wrong foot, so let me introduce myself!" The ghost said with some excitement. "My name is Ranboo_Beloved! Sooo- what are yalls names?"The room fell silent for a minute. Tommy was debating on whether to tell the ghost his name, or to run away. After giving the situation more thought, he had made up his mind."Well, 'boob boy' if you must know I'm Tommy_Minecraft, the son of Philza_Minecraft. Oh and this is Tubbo_. He's my friend!" Tommy replied to the ghost. "Hello Tubbo and Tommy! And do you two mind if I ask you some questions?"The lanky ghost said. "Well, how many questions?-" Tubbo asked. "Well, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but probably 2-3-" The ghost replied. The room was silent as Tommy and Tubbo were questioning if they wanted to answer the ghost's question."Okay, fire away I guess!" Tubbo and Tommy said in unison.
"Okay, so first of all, how did yall even find this place??- no one's been here for like- 3 decades-" Ranboo said as if it were a fact. "W- how long have you been here??? That's like-*aggressive tubbo thinking moment* 30 YEARS???-" Tubbo asked. "I'll answer your question when you answer mine!" Ranboo declared. "Okay okay okay, basically we were going to our friend's apartment, when we took a wrong turn- then Tommy saw this place and yadayadayada you know the rest-" Tubbo replied to the curious ghost. "Okay, and for- uhh- him! *the ghost points to Tommy, having already forgetting his name* How can you see me?- well I mean you both can but you already answered one of my questions-" The ghost at the same declared and asked. "I don't fucking know!! We just saw a vase fall over, then suddenly we saw- uh- you." There was confusion all in the room. The room fell silent for a minute, when Tubbo out of sheer boredom said "Hey, we're gonna go home now, wanna come?" The ghost looked shocked, and gladly nodded several times.
As they were walking out of the devoided-of-life forest, Ranboo saw real grass for the first time in God knows how long. He immediately stopped and picked up a grass block, joy seeping throughout his entire body, while the two boys turned around and stared in shock.The two boys stared in disbelief as he joyfully floated back toward them. "Why do you two look like you've just seen a ghost?-" He paused for a moment, soon chuckling at his unintentional joke, with Tubbo and Tommy soon joining in.
Ranboo started talking to Tubbo, suddenly realizing that he wasn't listening. He looked at him closely and noticed that he had airpods in. Ranboo tapped on his shoulders, then as Tubbo paused his music asked what he was listening to. Tubbo offers him an airpod to also listen to spotify with him, but shortly realizes that- well, he's a ghost- Tubbo asked him what song's he was into, and he said that he couldn't remember.
They were getting close to Tommy's house, when suddenly they noticed that Ranboo was looking up. The duo found it odd, and decided almost spontaneously to ask him if he was alright. "Hey, Ranboo?-" Tubbo approached the lanky teenage ghost, his soft words shocked him when he heard them. "O-oh uhm- yeah i-im fine- how much longer until we get to Tommy's house?-" Tommy and Tubbo both exchanged a look. There was panic in his tone as he spoke quickly, they both knew that he wasn't 'fine' but they didn't mention it. "We're about 15-30 minuets away, why 'ryou asking, 'boob boy'?" Tommy replied with a little of concern in his tone, but he tried to hide it by calling him boob boy. "W-well uhm- I don't know i-if you know much about ghosts, but, whenever we go out in the rain w-we just kind of- painfully- melt?- i-i don't know man I just-" Ranboo was cut off by Tommy quickly. "It's okay Ranboo, we can try to hurry, just try to stay near tree's incase if it does rain before we get back, okay 'boo?" Tommy said with a reassuring smile. Ranboo nodded and gave him a small smile from under his mask. But, Ranboo was confused. He had heard that nickname before, he just couldn't remember. He tried and tried but it was no use- he knew that it would be practically impossible to remember because of his memory issues. He brushed it off, and decided to try later.
As Tommy fumbled for his keys to where they could make it inside before it started raining, ranboo slowly flew past him and went through the door. Tommy wanted to slap himself in the forehead for forgetting that ghosts can go through walls 'n shit- Tommy finally found his keys and opened the door to see Ranboo's feet through the ceiling, and Ranboo hanging upside down.
"WH- HOW-" Tommy had to hold back his laughter. "Uhh- I don't knoww-" Ranboo groaned. Suddenly, Ranboo wasn't translucent anymore, and he suddenly dropped to to ground. "RANBOO WHAT THE HELL-" Tommy yelled in shock. Ranboo didn't say anything.He couldn't say anything. He was in more shock then Tommy was. He just sat there on the floor, staring at his hands. They were pulsing in and out of existence. "W-what the f-fuck-" Ranboo stuttered.

HOLY SHIT 1,136 WORDS- anyways, I wanted to make this chapter longer, but I didn't know it would be THAT long- XD

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