Chapter 1

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(most pronouns used will be she/her)

(Y/N POV) "Hey Tubbo!" I said, greeting him in a nice way. I've been friends with him for a while and we are really close. "Hm? OH! Hi y/n! Can I show you something?" Tubbo asked. "Sure!" I responded, following him to go somewhere. Tubbo was very cheerful and I loved that. He helped me be cheerful too. We talked for a while and then we were in snowchester. I knew that Technoblade, Philza, and Ranboo lived there. I don't really talk to them that much, but I do my thing going around and saying 'hi' to people. Techno and Phil seem nice, I'm just kind of scared of Techno. The killing, blood god thing, I don't like it. I also knew that Quackity, Tubbo, Fundy, and--Ranboo, for some reason, hunted Techno down for blowing up L'Manburg. If we were going to Techno's, I wouldn't want Tubbo coming. Suddenly, I saw a big, beautiful, mansion. It was reallly tall too. "Woah.." I say, before I hear Tubbo chuckle. "This is it." Tubbo says. I'm shoked, that was HIS! "How did you even build this?" I ask, knowing there was no way he could've done that himself. "I had Foolish build it for us." Tubbo said. "Oh ok, that makes more sense--WAIT 'US'" I say, asking him. He had said 'us' which meant he wasn't the only one living in the house. "Oh yeah.. I kind of married Ranboo for tax purposes.." Tubbo said. "WHAT! OKOKOK HOW MUCH HAVE I MISSED!" I say, so suprised. Ranboo and Tubbo? Married! I thought Ranboo lived with Techno and Phil! "I did hear about how you have a son named Michael though." I say, "Is that your and Ranboo's son?" I ask. "Yeah" Tubbo responds. "Well, this is awesome. I'll make sure to visit soon! I have to go do some other stuff though. Bye!" I say. "Byeeeee" Tubbo says. "Alright bye." I say, before leaving the vc.

(TUBBO POV) I went inside my house, kind of lonely. I wished that Ranboo was here more often. I went and played with MIchael for a bit and then I went to get some supplies. Ranboo was so rich so I gave up after about 5 minutes. Then, I decided I would go over to Tommy's house for a bit sense y/n said she had some stuff to do. I went to Tommy's and told him I wanted to hang out with him. He seemed happy--more happy then I normally see him. I feel bad, I haven't been able to spend time with him because I was in snowchester. I was normally just too busy. I felt like a bad friend. I could tell Tommy wasn't mad at me though, that was good. "Hey Tubbo! We should go see Jack Manifold." Tommy said, in his straight forward way. "Sure!" I responded. We went to the hotel that was origanally Tommy's, but when he died, Jack took it to himself. "Hey Jack!" Tommy said. "Hey Tommy, hey Tubbo." Jack said. "Hey Jack." I said. We all talked for a bit before I said I was going to head to my house. Tommy said he wanted to come with me to mine so I let him. Me and Tommy talked the whole way back, just like the old days. I didn't realize how much I missed this untill now. "Alright," I start, "This is the front and this is the back and.." After a while, I had finally toured him around the whole house. I wonder what y/n was doing.

(Y/N POV) When I told Tubbo I had to go, I hoped he didn't see me when I started to head over to Techno and Phil's house. I didn't want Tubbo following me. I wanted to actually speak to one of them this time. I went up and it only looked like one of them was home. I was really hoping it was just gonna be Phil. Luckily, it was. I had nothing against Techno, I just was scared of him. "Hey mate! What's your name?" Phil asked. He seemed really nice, my nervousness just went away. "My name is y/n. Nice to meet you Phil." I said, more confident than I thought I had said it. I talked with Phil for a while and we had a lot of fun. Then, Phil said he saw Techno coming and that I should meet him. Before I could even say anything, he was outside of his house telling Techno to come into his to meet me. He actually wasn't that bad, it was just me being me. We once again, had a lot of fun. I saw how good friends Phil and Techno were. How is Phil not scared? How is he so calm around him? I thought. I knew that they knew eachother for a long time, but I don't think I would ever get used to him. Me, Phil, and Techno were talking when Phil asked me something. "Hey y/n?" Phil asked, "Where's your house?". I didn't know wheat to say. I was planning on asking Tubbo if I could spend the night at his beacause it was a literal mansion, but I actually don't have a house. I just stay at others, it's kind of just what I do. "Um.." I start, not wanting to be judged. "I don't really have one.." I say, looking up shyly. "Well, would you want to live with us? You could live where Ranboo used to." Techno said. I was shocked that Techno, The Blade, was asking me if I wanted to live near him and Phil. "Sure." I say, shocked that I even said that. You see, I'm shy when it comes to things that are embarassing to me. I try to give off a good impression;if an impression was the entire friendship. I have different personalities for different people. It depends on how they are, and how I want to act to be the best for them. I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe, I would show my full self in this friendship.

(PHILZA POV) When Techno said that y/n could stay there, I was suprised. He's just not the type to let people in like that. Like with Ranboo, I had to convince him to let him stay here, they ended up being good friends, it's just that he was sceptical about him. It might of been because Ranboo moved out and there was a house, but I don't know. "Ok, you can stay in Ranboo's house and decorate mate." I said, I wanted to ask Techno about something. "Ok!" y/n responded, going to the house. "Hey Techno," I asked. "do you think we should have her join the syndicate?" I ask." "Not yet. Let's see if she says anything about it." Techno said. It made sense that we should wait, but I couldn't stop thinking about how she just gives me anti-government look. 

Ok that's all for the 1st chapter! I hope you enjoyed it!

-Writer :D

(Word Count 1160/1179)

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