Chapter 8

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(Y/N POV) Ever since my birthday, I have been checking for Sam. Until one day, I found him. Well-- more like he found me buttttttttttttttt anyways- ;-; Me and him talked and them he said he was going to kill Tubbo. He started running and I knew I couldn't catch up, so instead I whispered to Tubbo: SAM FOUND ME AND HE IS GOING TO KILL YOU GO TO TECHNO AND HIDEEE PLEASE GO QUICK AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE  DON'T DIE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I then went to catch up with Sam to make sure he didn't hurt anyone else. When he realized that Tubbo wasn't at his house, he went towards the Las Nevadas' ruins. I then went over to Techno's to make sure that Tubbo was okay. When I got there, Techno was very confused on the situation, so I explained it to him. Once he understood that I wasn't trying to kill Tubbo, he led me to him. I told Tubbo that Sam had headed toward the Las Nevadas' ruins and that he was safe. He let out a sigh of relief and we had another syndicate meeting. We talked about how close we were with Sam, what he could do, and why he was heading toward Las Nevadas. He had knew about it being exploded, so why did he go there? And that's when I realized, he went to see Quackity. It's the only thing that made sense. I knew that Quackity still lived there, he wanted to be with Las Nevadas forever. And I knew that him and Sam were good friends, Sam had even let Quackity bring weapons into the prison. That's when I realized there might be another war between us, mainly me, versus Sam and Quackity, and whoever else they brought. I knew they had good allies, but so did I. I had Techno, Dream, Wilbur, Niki, Phil, Tommy, Tubbo, Eret, etc. I was with a lot of good terms with people on the SMP, I would definitely be good on people. It was if they wanted to fight, and where we would fight. Near the prison? Las Nevadas? I didn't know. I decided to talk to Techno, Dream, Tubbo, Eret, Wilbur, Phil, and Tommy about it. Dream said knowing Sam, that he would have it Las Nevadas. He would probably want to put one of us in the prison. Eret said to hide Michael, Techno said he would get supplies, Phil said he and Niki can make Withers, Tubbo and Tommy said they would hide any valuables they had, and Wilbur said he would op-out all of the supplies. In the end, everyone would help for the fight, but most importantly, actually fight in it.  We ended up deciding that Techno, Phil, Niki, Eret, and Wilbur would do what they need now, while the rest of us would go and confront Sam. I was a little sad that Wil couldn't come to support me, but at least I had Tubbo. 

(DREAM POV) As me, Tommy, Tubbo, and y/n walked to Las Nevadas to find Sam and Quackity, I decided to apologize to Tommy and Tubbo. I told them that it was very cruel of me and hoped that we would be on good terms. I meant it. For once, the 'forever lasting enemies' would be on the same side. Obviously, I wouldn't side with Sam nor Quackity, but neither would Tommy. Sam basically let Ghostbur and Tommy himself die, and Quackity was partnered with Schlatt when L'Manburg became Manburg.  So, now for once, we will be on the same side, in a war. Same with Techno and Tommy as well, they will be partnered during a war as well. They agreed and said that we were on good terms, and I was so happy. When we got to Las Nevadas, I saw Sam and Quackity standing there, talking. I guess y/n was right , I thought. When y/n looked back at us, we went into Sam and Quackity's vc, and started to talk to them. I started, confronting Sam first. "Well look who we have here.. the KILLER, the MURDERER, and the WARDEN, how are you, Sam? I bet you're doing fine after those 4 LONG DAYS OH MY SO LONG. YOU TRAPPED ME IN THAT PRISON FOR SO LONG SAM, SO LONG. YOU DESERVE EVERY SECOND YOU WERE TRAPPED IN THAT CELL. YOU DO SAM. YOU DO." The entire time I was saying that, Sam and Quackity were bargaining with me. "Well Dream,  you deserve every. single. day. you were in there." Sam said, emphasizing 'you deserve every single day you were in there'. But it seemed as if y/n had had enough and started talking. Actually- screaming. YES YES I know there are to 'had's' but deal with it. it makes sense. so it does. anyways- continuing on ;-; "YOU CAN'T JUST ACT LIKE YOU HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING. THERE'S A LOT OF STUFF YOU'VE DONE BUT I'LL LET TOMMY EXPLAIN THAT SAM. BUT QUACKITY! OH NO NO NO. YOU HAVE BEEN A VERY BAD BOY. YOU STARTED AN ENTIRE GOVERNMENT JUST TO BE ABLE TO CONTROL THE SERVER! You wanna know what the one thing he needed Dream? HE NEEDED THE REVIVE BOOK. AND I'M VERY GLAD YOU HELD UP BECAUSE OTHERWISE SOMEONE WOULD'VE BEEN ABLE TO CONTROL THE ENTIRE SERVER. And yes Quackity, I do know that you've knocked around enough to get a little revenge, BUT NOT THIS MUCH! THIS IS JUST- JUST SCHLATT ALL OVER AGAIN." I've never seen them act this crazy. It seemed like they'd needed to say that for a while. Everyone got there turn to yell at them, Tommy about Sam, as well as Tubbo. I'M SORRY I JUST HAD TO PUT THAT HE WAS BEING A BAD BOY OKAY- ;-; 

(Y/N POV) We went back and said that we had confronted them, and a lot of them said how mine was the best. All I could say is that there was no 'best speech' and that we got our job done. I went back to my home with a smile on my face as I fell asleep.





If this keeps up I might post more often sooooooo

keep that in mind.


hope you enjoyed,

-Writer :D

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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