Chapter 5

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(Y/N POV) I decided to take a walk to L'Manburg to look around again. I think it's cool even if it's completley blown up. I went over near spawn where I saw a nametag, Dream. HOW? I thought. I had watched him die. How is he back. "Oh, why hello there.. y/n." He says, creepily. "How are you alive?" I ask. "Hmmm.. should I explain?" He asks, an almost computer voice coming in. That's when I realized, "Where's DreamXD?" I ask. "Umm.. HOW DO YOU KNOW" He asks, DreamXD coming in. "I can just figure that stuff out." I respond, not showing how much fear I have. "Well, I want to see Tommy." Dream or DreamXD says. "What should I call you? Dream or DreamXD?" I ask. "Call me Dream." He says. Even though it was crazy that he was alive, a part of me knew that DreamXD would take over. I had to go talk to Puffy. I had to tell her what happened. I knew that she was Dream's mother but I was scared to talk to her, I never told her I killed Dream. I went ot her house and told her, and she just seemed disopointed in him. While we were talking she asked me this, "I'm suprised he didn't change.. you know? He was put in there to learn from his actions, and, I just don't know." "Yeah.." I say, thinking about it. "Well, I better go make sure Tommy doesn't get killed." I say, chuckling. "Yeah, ok bye." Puffy says. "Bye." I say. I decided to go back to my house. I wasn't going to Tubbo's because he doesn't like me as a friend anymore and I was still upset about it. I knew I should talk to him, but I didn't want to. I went to Tommy's exile again to see if he was there. I saw Dream there but not Tommy. "I swear, if you did anything to Tommy I will kill you again." I say, threatening him. Suprisingly, it works. "No, I was just looking around here for-" "For Tommy." I cut him off, scaring him even more. "You are not hurting Tommy." I say. "Oh, quick question, I saw Tubbo and he asked if I was okay. Apperently you guys got into a fight of something-" "Tell him that I'm fine." I say. "Ok, I'm gonna go now." Dream says. "Ok, bye" I say, walking to my house. I saw Tubbo and walked straight past him, without saying a word. I don't think he understood how much he actually hurt me. I get to my house and talk to Techno for a bit and then go mining. I found a good cave and got some good valuables to use. I talked with Techno and Phil a bit more because I was bored. Phil had to go do something so I continued talking to Techno. Then, Tommy whispered to me: Help me Dream is chasing me  and is trying to kill me again HELP I was shocked. I told Techno I had to go and asked Tommy where he was. He said he was by L'Manburg. I went over there and sure enough, Dream was there chasing Tommy. "DREAM STOP RIGHT NOW." I say stopping him. Tommy goes behind me. "WHAT DID WE JUST TALK ABOUT. I SAID SPECIFICALLY TO NOT GO NEAR TOMMY. AND WHAT DID YOU DO? YOU CHASED TOMMY." I say, scaring him again. "Look o-ok, I'm sorry. I really-" "No you're not. And even if you are, you're coming with me to see your mother." I say, taking him to Puffy's house. I told Tommy to go to Techno and tell him that I told him he could stay there. I bring him to Puffy and then leave, heading back to my house to make sure everything's ok. Suprisingly, Techno and Tommy were getting along. "Hello, boys." I say. "Hey y/n, where is Tommy gonna sleep?" Techno asks. "Probably in my house sense I let him over here." I say. "Good idea." Techno responds. We all hang out for a bit. Phil comes out and says hi to Tommy and we all had fun. When we were all talking, Tommy asked me something. "How's Tubbo?" I froze. After a bit of silence Techno says, "Yeah, you never told me what happened with him." "There's a reason, let's just say he said he thought I was the worst friend he's ever had." I say, looking down. "Oh.." Techno says. There was a lot of silence before I went to my house.

(TOMMY POV) I asked y/n how Tubbo was and she froze. She said that he said that she was the worst friend he had ever had. I felt really bad for her. I knew how good of a friendship they had. I also knew how important Tubbo was to her. I went into y/n's house to be in there. I just wanted to be in a house. "Hey y/n.. I'm just gonna be in here for a little bit." I say, quietly. "Ok.. if you need me I'll be down in the room below you. You can just climb down the ladder." She says. I stayed in there for a bit just thinking through what happened. I eventually got bored and even though it wasn't the best idea, I went to see what y/n was doing. I went down the ladder and said hi. She asked what I needed and I said if she wanted to we could hang out. She said yes and we just talked. I said sorry about asking her about Tubbo and she said it was fine. After a bit, we decided to make some potions. I went to Tubbo to see what he was doing. "Hey Tubbs!" I say. "Hi Tommy!" Tubbo says, cheerfully. "Have you seen y/n?" He asks. "Yeah.. about that. She saved me from Dream because he was going to kill me again. I went back to Techno and Phil and she came shortly after. She told me what happened between you two, I feel bad. I think she's just really upset about it." I say. "Well.. I really want to talk to her, but everytime I try, she just gives me a look and walks away." Tubbo says, sadly. "Well, lets go see if she'll talk to you now." I say. "Ok.." Tubbo responds, worried. We walked over to where Techno, Phil, and y/n live. Before we went to y/n, I decided to ask Phil if he thought it was a good idea. He said do what you think so I went over to y/n's house. I went in and saw y/n, her eyes went immediatley to Tubbo. "Hey.." Tubbo says. "What do you want?" y/n asks. "I want to say sorry, for what I said." Tubbo says, looking down. "No, I'm sorry.. it's my fault." y/n says, shocking me. "I'm the one who blew up Las Nevadas, I'm the one who started this. I'm the one who's been ignoring you. It's my fault." y/n finishes. "No-no it's not.." Me and Tubbo say. "Yes it is, if I didn't blow up Las Nevadas, we wouldn't of had this argument." y/n says. "No, Quackity manipulated me. You blowing up Las Nevadas saved us, including the entire server. In the moment, I was upset and still believed Quackity. Later on, I realized how he manipulated me. I'm sorry." Tubbo says, definently shocking y/n. "Tubbo, it's not your fault. We can be friends, but I don't want you saying stuff is your fault. You're already put through enough stuff, you too Tommy." y/n says. I think she could tell that I was feeling left out. "Thanks.." Me and Tubbo both say. "Welcome." y/n says.

(Y/N POV) "Tubbo came to appoligize to me. I'm glad that he came, but I don't think that it is his fault. I decided to go to Techno and tell him what happened. He congratulated me and said he was proud of me. I went to Puffy to tell her that me and Tubbo are friends again, but also to ask her what to do so that it doesn't happen again. She told me some advice and I went to Tubbo's house. We hung out for a bit and caught up with eachother. I went to Tommy's house and saw his spider, Shroud. I thanked him for letting me and Tubbo be friends again. I also thanked him for being my friend and helping me with stuff in my life. I went back home and talked with Techno and Phil for a bit. In the end, it was a pretty good day.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I FINALLY FINISHED THIS CHAPTER!! I was busy yesterday becuase well- it was Christmas!! I hope you guys had a good Christmas/Hanukkah/whatever you celebrate. HAPPY NATIONAL RANBOO DAY TOO!!!

(Word count :1140/1474)

-Writer :D

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