Chapter 2

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TIME SKIP: You, Phil, and Techno are good friends. You met others and know about L'Manburg and Las Nevadas. We're up to the lore where Slimcicle is dead. (Ranboo's death will come soon). 

(Y/N POV) I went to Tubbo's house to say hi to him. I was upset about Slime's death even though we had just recently met. "Hi Tubbo!" I said, I had been keeping in touch with him because I didn't want our relationship to end up like his and Tommy's. "Hi y/n!" Tubbo responded. Me and Tubbo chatted for a while and talked about our lives. Then, Ranboo came. We all said hi and then continued our conversations. While we were talking, Ranboo said that he had to go and quickly ran in a different direction. That was weird  I thought. I didn't think anything of it and continued on with my day. I went to go hang out with Techno and Phil, but they weren't in their homes. I decided to go over near L'Manburg and think. How was this place blown up? I've heard stories about a man named Wilbur who blew it up. But I also heard about how Techno, Dream, and Phil blew it up again. Why did people do this? My thoughts stopped when I saw a couple people in chat being blown up. Something must be happening I thought. Then, I saw in chat: Ranboo was killed by Awesamdude using Wardens Sword WHAT I thought. Ranboo.. died! How? I had to get revenge somehow.

(TECHNO POV) I just watched Ranboo die. I don't know what to say. I broke him, Dream, and Connor--for some reason he was there. How did Ranboo even get caught in this mess. He didn't even do anything! I was skeptical from the start, but he was a really good friend. I was upset, but I had to go back with Phil to our house. I said goodbye to Niki, and then went to go back. Phil was upset about Ranboo's death too, but I don't think as much as me. He was someone else who I could relate to. He had voices,  someone understood the pain and suffering that you have when you have voices. I wanted to research with him and I wanted to somehow make a cure, but that dream is gone now. But luckily, so is my favor to Dream. I was worried what he wanted me to do for the favor, so I'm glad that's gone now. When me and Phil got back, we didn't see y/n. Hopefully she didn't go looking for us I thought. 

(Y/N POV) I got a little distracted going to Tubbo's house and I went through a nether portal and saw this old.. place. It looked like someone had lived there before and there was a big explosion that looked that there was a house there before. I went further when I heard  someone..screaming? They were fighting with someone and the person say, "Maybe I'll kill you again. And then I'll revive you and I'll kill you again, then I'll revive you then I'll kill you again. And then I'll revive you and then I'll kill you again!" What? I thought. I had heard about him, his name is Dream. I heard he was in prison; did he escape? If so then, how? I've seen it before, It's impossible to get out! Tommy got me out of my thoughts by running towards me. I was about to help him but he just ran straight past me. Heading towards Phil and Techno's house. "Why hello there.." Dream says, smirking. I don't like his vibe, but I can't tell him. Ranboo had my last nice strand. Sam killed him so now, it's psycho mode. "THE FIRST THING YOU DO FROM GETTING OUT OF PRISION IS TRAMATIZE A CHILD? IS THAT THE FIRST THING YOU DO? HOW DID YOU EVEN GET OUT?" I ask, kind of shocking him. I guess he thought I would be more scared like Tommy. "Tommy put me in prison, he-" "He," I say, cutting him off. "He, is a boy who does not get to be manipulated and tortured in exile." I say, him shocked that I even know about that. "Techno broke me out of prison and-" "Wait--WHAT! Techno broke you out? Why?" I say, confused and shocked. Why, out of anybody, why would Techno break him out? "He owed me a favor. I saved his horse from death, and he returned it by breaking me out of prision." Dream states. "Ok, well you still don't get to tramatize a child. So this is what you get." I say, and before he can do anything, I crit him twice with my axe, killing him. The chat started going crazy: WHAT?!? HOW?!? and other stuff like that. I felt happy that I had finally killed him before I realized, Las Nevadas can now take control. All Quackity needed was the revival book and then he could control the smp. I had to destroy Las Nevadas. I'm already being psycho, so let's be more psycho! I think, walking over to where Las Nevadas is.


-Writer :D

(Word count: 855/869)

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