Chapter 6

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(Y/N POV) The next couple days have been boring, and I was bored too. I mainly just hung out with Techno and Phil, went to Tubbo's house, or hang out with Tommy. It seemed like everyone had stuff to do. I go to Puffy to talk every once in awhile, but most of the time she's busy. I see Dream a bit too, but I mainly just threaten him not to go near Tommy. I've been practicing to be more confident in those situations. I know that there's so much war on the server, and I want to know how to be confident while fighting. I've always been scared to fight or anything related to that. I like peace, but that's over now. I might start a war, I might not. Ranboo did not deserve to be in prison or get killed. Connor didn't need to be in there,  but Dream probably. He does deserve that, but it was pretty much obvious that Dream would get out sense he literally made it. I might end up going on a war against Sam and Quackity. I wouldn't want to start a war with him, but he probably would with me. I went to Puffy's house to talk to her but she was busy so I walked around L'Manburg. I don't know why, but it calmed me in a way. It was somewhere I could go and be alone. Of course, I know what happened here, but it's calming for me. I was walking back to my house when I saw Revivebur. "Hello." I say, getting his attention. "Hi, have I met you before?" He asks. "I don't think so, I'm y/n. I've heard of you before, what do you want me to call you?" I ask. "You can just call me Wilbur or Wil, it really doesn't matter." He responds. "Okay." I respond, trying to think about how I can start the conversation I want. "Well, what did you want to talk to me for?" Wil asks, in a kind way. "Um.. well, I wanted to ask you about something. I've heard that you blew up a nation before, but then you died. I blew up Las Nevadas, but didn't die. What should I do? 'Cause I know that soon enough, Quackity will start a war with me." I ask, looking at him. There was a bit of silence before he responded. "Well, I say just get some people with you, and try your best. I can agree that Quackity will most likely start a war." "Okay.. Would you be on my side if he did start a war?" I ask. "I probably would, just because I feel like I can relate to you a lot." He responds, relieving me. "So.. I have a question," I ask. "What is it?" He responds. "Could you maybe help me train?.. For, you know, war?" I ask. "Sure!" He responds. We spend the next bit training, and it turns out I'm actually really good. 

(WILBUR POV) So I met y/n today, wow. She is surprisingly really good at fighting. She had asked me if I could help her train, she didn't even need it. The only thing she said that was holding her back, was not liking fights and wars. I basically told her, "This is the DreamSMP, what do you expect? You got to just fight, it'll make you even stronger." she seemed to understand pretty quickly. I asked her where she lived--sense this was the first time I had met her--and she said that she lived with Techno and Phil. I asked her if Techno or Phil taught her how to fight and she said no. I was very shocked on how good she was at fighting with what seemed like she was self taught. I was told recently that Ranboo had died, and I was upset. He was my buddy in business, and now he's gone. But the ghost of him is still here, and that's what counts. The next couple of days I helped y/n train (and by train I mean help her with the whole scared of fighting thing). After a while, she said she would probably be okay with fighting. The main reason I wanted her to be able to fight is because of how good she is. I also wanted her to be on my side if there ever was a war. Now that I taught her to not be scared of fighting, who knows what will happen.

(Y/N POV) So I have been training with Wilbur for a couple days and, I think I would be ready for war. After him helping me, I'm not scared to fight anymore. I don't know what happened, but it just kind of clicked. I really hope he wasn't using me though, that would just make my trust issues worse. I told Techno if he thinks that I should get back at Sam, and he said he didn't know. We ended up doing so, and putting him in the prison. I teamed with Tubbo and Eret too. They also got Michael back, who apparently was Tubbo and Ranboo's son. Anyways, today we just got some revenge. I hope we can do more to Sam though..

OH MY ITS BEEN AWHILE I recently checked the last time I updated it was in January.. oof. um short chapter less than 1000 this time cus i want you to be able to get a bit of the story. sorry if it doesnt make sense, i just wanted to put it with the recent lore with technos stream, WHICH WAS AMAZING REVENGERS FOR THE WIN!!!! im exicited to see what they do with the lore and how it will change this story. ANYWAY THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR READING!!!!!

-Writer :D

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