Chapter 4

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This is such a good, but common picture of the dream team that I absolutely love-

(Y/N POV) When I woke up the next day, I felt a feeling of relief. Dream was one of the most powerful people on the server and Techno is too. Dream uses his use of powers in a bad way, manipulating everyone. While Techno tries not to. The only time Techno goes full out murder, is when people get on his nerves and his voices take over. Dream is the type of person who only wants power. Like how one of his quotes, "If I can control the things that people are attached to, then I can control the server again! Because this isn't TOMMY SMP, or TUBBO SMP, THIS IS DREAM SMP, right?! So I can control the server if I have everything that everybody cares about! That everybody's EVER cared about! I can turn the server back to what it USED to be.". He wants his way and wants to control everything. Techno and Dream are a good duo, one of the most powerful people on the server, they just have different oppinions. Next, Quackity. He was starting to go insane, like Dream or Wilbur. He wanted to control our lives on the SMP. All he needed was Dreams revive book to have all of the power, so he threatened him. He manpulated Sam to bring in weapons to threaten Dream. He also manipulated Purpled, Awesamedude, Fundy, Foolish, and even Tubbo. I might lose my bestfriend because of me blowing that up. I had just realized that. Purpled was smart and betrayed Quackity, but he killed Slimcicle. Slimcicle just kind of became friends with him and joined him in the country. Back to Tubbo. He might hate me. I hope he won't, he's my bestfriend sense the start. Through all of my betrayals, he has always been there for me. He can't go. He means to much to me. He wouldn't let go of our friendship that easily, right?  Techno disrupted my thoughts by coming in to say hi. I looked at Ranboo's memory book, He really used this alot didn't he? I thought. I looked through the book and saw something, "I need to go to the panic room to meet with the voice this time. I got this.". Then, I got an idea. I'll just go to the panic room myself to calm down. I went over to the panic room and went in, sighing. Ok, I just need to calm down. I had a lot of stuff on my mind, like how everyone was dying around me. Eventually, I had calmed down. When I came back, Techno asked me where I was. I told him that I had just went on a walk. I didn't feel like telling him that I was in Ranboo's panic room calming myself down. I decided to hang out with Techno and Phil for a bit, but I couldn't get something off my mind. "Hey guys? So y'know how I like blew up Las Nevadas?" I ask. "Yeah.. What about it?" Phil asked me. "Well.. Tubbo's like my bestfriend and he was apart of Las Nevadas.. Do you think he'll hate me now?" I ask. There was a moment of silence before Techno responded, "How long have you been friends with him?" "As long as I can remember. He's been there through.. everything." I respond. "I don't think he'll give up your friendship that easily if he's been there for that long."  Techno says, "I say you just tell him instead of him finding out because if you don't, he will think you're keeping secrets from him." Techno finishes. "Ok.. I'll go tell him now." I said, starting to walk towards Tubbo's mansion. It seemed like forever before I came to the house. I took a deep breath before walking into his home. "Tubbo?" I ask, hoping that he's home. "Yeah?" He asks back, his happy british accent brightining my mood. "I have to tell you something.. um.. so you know how you're part of Las Nevadas?" I start, getting really nervous. "Yeah..? What about it?" He asks, confused. "So.. what would you do if it got comepletely destroyed?" I ask. "I would be very upset and if I found out who, I would probably kill them." Tubbo responds, scaring me even more. "Well.. I kind of blew it up.. OK BYE BYE TUBBO! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME BY THE WAY!" I say, running away using my trident because it was raining. I got back and Techno asked me what happened immediately. I told him what happened and he said he would do the same thing in that situation. After we talked a bit on how to deal with those situations, Techno thought I should go to Puffy to talk to her. Personally, I have never really met Puffy so I'm kind of scared. After I prepared myself, I went to Puffy's house. I realized that she had a house in Snowchester so I went to that one so I wouldn't have to walk as much. When I got there, I took a look at the house and then whispered to her hello.

(PUFFY POV) I was in my home when I saw a message: [username] Whispered To You: hello im at your house techno sent me here. I whispered back come in and I saw a person come in. "My name is y/n." She says, "Techno sent me here to talk to you about my life." She says, looking at me nervously. "Well that's great! I'm a therapist so let me hear." I say, cheerfully. After a bit, she finally opened up to me, and she had one intersting life. At one point, she said I should talk about myself becasue she was talking to much about herself. I simply told her that the point of this is for you to talk about you and your life not mine. She seemed insecure and shy at first, but was very nice and entergetic once you get to know her. She seemed like she just got stressed about meeting new people. I taught her some tricks on how to be less nervous and then I walked her home. When we were on the way back she brought up Tubbo, her bestfriend. She told me how she blew up Las Nevadas and how Tubbo is apart of it. She said how she told Tubbo, but then got too nervous and ran away. I told her she should go talk to him. After a bit of persuading, she agreeded to go talk to him. I decided to stay back a bit, just incase something were to happen. She seemed really scared and nervous to talk to him so I went in with her. "Hey Tuboo," She said, looking down at the floor. "Um.. do you hate me? From like, you know, earlier today?" She asks. "I was confused, I didn't even hear what you said, you just kind of, ran away." He responds, worrying her. "Um.. I said that I blew up Las Nevadas.." She says, definently fighting the urge to run away. "Oh.. OH" He says, realizing. "Wait, you did WHAT!" He asks, scaring her. That's when I decided to step in. "Ok, look at me Tubbo. This is your bestfriend. She did it because she doesn't want government. You cannot be mad at her if it is her oppinion." I say, hoping he will understand, but he doesn't. "BUT SHE SHOULDN'T BLOW UP A COUNTRY THAT I'M PART OF. THAT'S NOT WHAT FRIENDS DO!" Tubbo responds, angrily. "FRIENDS DON'T BLOW UP EACHOTHERS COUNTRIES, Y/N. THEY DON'T! WE'VE KNOWN EACHOTHER FOR AS LONG AS I CAN REMEMBER! AND YOU THINK BLOWING UP A COUNTRY I'M A PART OF WILL HELP! Y/N, YOU ARE THE WORST FRIEND I'VE EVER HAD!" Tubbo says, immediately regreting it. "Wait.. y/n, I didn't mean it-" Tubbo says, being cut off by y/n. "No. You told me the truth, that's what people do when they're mad, they tell the full truth." y/n responds, walking away.

(Y/N POV) I don't like fights, I never have. Now I'm really upset, and can't trust anyone anymore. You see, I always thought of Tubbo as my trust meter. When I could trust him, I trusted more people. When I didn't, I didn't trust as many as I did before. Tubbo and Tommy are very simmalar, exept for the fact that Tubbo doesn't yell, at all. I know Tommy, and when he told Tubbo how, "THE DISCS WERE WORTH MORE THAN YOU EVER WERE" he was upset. But Tommy was telling the truth. You see him other times, always bringing up the discs. It's probably because it's something he and Tubbo did, and defeated his biggest enemy, Dream. It's something he's proud of, while others see it as, 'Just a disc'. When people argue, they hate them in the moment, but they also say the truth. You don't lie in the type of arguement that me and Tubbo had, you tell the truth. When I was walking out when he said that I was the worst friend he's ever had, I believed him. I still do. People tell the truth when they get mad and/or upset. It's a fact that I've found over, and over, and over again. I kind of stood off to the sides during wars, and any other events. I just wanted to watch, like I always had. Then, Tubbo found me. I was walking around the SMP when no one was around and then we became friends. He showed me to Tommy, Ranboo, Techno, Phil, and many others. Tommy described Dream to me as a, "Manipulative monster" but I disagree. I think that whereever you stand, you think you're a hero. For instance, Dream probably thinks he's a hero other than a bit of manipulation, and Tommy thinks he's a hero too. But they're rivals, so they can't be on the same side, right? Wrong. If Tommy sucked up to Dream, and Dream didn't manipulate people, they would be on the same side. Tommy is nice, but is angry a lot. He also thinks he's always the hero, while Dream would disagree. If you saw Dreams POV, even though he manipulated Tommy, Tommy was a villain putting Dream into prision for him to die. Dream killed Tommy to be a hero, but then revived him, realizing he would always be known as a villian. He excepted it. Here's the thing: if I wasn't afraid of fighting and war, I would be the most feared villian of all. I would be a psycho.


-Writer :D

(Word count: 1761/1800)

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