×Every Hero needs a Backstory×

184 1 4

TW/Warning: Attempted suicide, sad inko

If you see any Grammer errors plz comment and tell me, I hate Grammer errors but I'm sure there's plenty

Word count: 1259

Izuku POV:
"You simply cannot be a hero without a quirk."

In a single second, all my will power vanished. My heart shattered. After everything that has happened today, hell everything that has happened since I turned 5. After everything. This is what finally broke me? Even when the boy I've tried so, so hard to be friends with, told me to kill myself. I kept myself together.

But him telling me I could never be a hero...I guess that just hurt more than that.

"Okay..." Was all I was able to say before all might, the number one hero and the man I've looked up to since before I could walk, Jumped away.

It's weird. Just a minute ago I was sure I would find a way to be a hero. I was so sure. But now...Now I feel nothing. I feel numb. Like a piece of me was just taken away and there's nothing I can do to get it back.

In that second I had already made up my mind.

I would take his advice.

TW: Attempted Su!c!de (Skip to next episode if you don't want to read about it) (Also next episode will be when izuku us out of a coma, and the hospital, and after the depression phase, aka he's first day at UA)

I ran into my mother's bathroom, pulling the mirror above the sink open and grabbing different pill bottles as I quickly read the label and put it back, grabbing the next. I kept going until I found ***************. Taking the bottle and running to my own bathroom.

I stared at myself. Now feeling everything.

It hurt. A lot.

I fell to the ground as I let out a loud cry, grabbing my mouth as to not alarm my mother, who was in the kitchen.

I cried into my hand, soaking them in my tears, before looking at the bottle one more time.

Quickly standing up I turned to the mirror and stared at my red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. Pulling the lid of the bottle off.

The bottle was full, my mother had recently refilled it.

I dumbed the whole thing Into my hand, staring at them.

There's no going back if I do this.


But, I'm okay with that...

I grabbed the cup next to the sink and filled it with water. Taking a deep breath, closing my eyes.

I stayed like that for a good three seconds before throwing the pills into my mouth and chugging the water, now staring at myself once again.

I gagged a little at the large amount of pills, but swallowed them all.

I gasped out once they were all done, crying once again.

I stumbled back a little, grabbing my throat, processing what I had done.

And the funny thing is...

I didn't regret it, I mean, I was smiling. Usually I have to make myself smile, when I feel obligated to. But staring at myself in the mirror, I was smiling. I wasn't happy. I mean, I'm about to die.

×Not Forgiven× ¶KiriDeku¶ ¶Bakudeku angst¶ (Non-one For All/Quirkless deku AU)Where stories live. Discover now