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If you see any Grammer errors plz comment and tell me, I hate Grammer errors but I'm sure there's plenty

word count: 1015

Izukus POV:

The time went by faster than i thought, but i guess thats what happens when you're having fun. Denki and sero went off with jirou, mina, momo, and hagakure. And it was starting to get dark out.

We went on all the rides probably five times by now. Now we're walking around playing more games. I got a blow up hammer, so did uraraka.

All the rides had too long of lines, so we decided to try and look around for people we knew.

"It's too dark out I can't even see anyone's face" uraraka said as we walked.

"Does anyone have a charged phone?" I asked desperately, even though I already knew the answer.

"Still no, to bad Denki left" kirishima said half hearted.

"Let's just go to the food court and hang out around there until we find someone" Tsu added.

Everyone agreed and we headed to the food court.

We sat down on the edge of the grass due to there being no seats left, and even here it was still pretty crowded.

"Maybe we should just head back, I'm sure Denki can just go home with sero and the others" Uraraka said as she and Tsu made bracelets out of the flowers.

"Maybe, I feel like we should tell someone so no one worries about us" I said, looking over my shoulder to face her.

As I was looking over I made eye contact with a man sitting at one of the tables. He was staring at me, or more, my body. I decided to ignore him and face forward. Although I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

"I'm hungry" Tsu added, "How about we get some food and see if we find anyone, if we don't, after we eat, we go home?"

"Sounds like a plan" Kirishima said getting up.

We started looking around for a good place to eat, settling on A Chinese stand by the place we were sitting at.

"It's a pretty long line" Uraraka said as we approached the back.

"Maybe just one of us stay while the others find a better spot to sit? It might be a little hard eating on grass" Tsu added.

"I'll stay, I don't mind" I said, raising my hand a little even though that was useless.

Everyone gave me their orders, luckily for me I have an amazing memory. They started walking off to look for a different spot, I saw uraraka and Tsu go left as kirishima went right.

It was getting pretty cold, even with my jacket on, so i was shivering slightly.

"Do you want my jacket?"

I looked over to see the man who was staring at me earlier, handing me his jacket.

"Oh uh, no thanks" I smiled slightly even though this situation was quite awkward.

"Really I insist" He said, trying to put his jacket on me.

He was clearly drunk, he was struggling to simply stand up. As he was trying to put his jacket on me, he stumbled forward, forcing me to catch him, or fall back. I chose catching him.

Big mistake.

"Ohho oh- Already all- *Hic* Touchy-touchy I see" he said in a flirty drunk voice.

I pushed him back a little, although he came right back, this time grabbing me by the waist.

"Okay- please let go" I said pushing him once again. I looked around at the people, no one paying attention to me. Not even the person in the line behind me.

"Come on sugar- *Hic* Don't you wanna piece of this?"

I pushed on his chest, causing him to grab both my hands in one of his.

He was bigger than me, way bigger. Probably in his late 30'ds.

Now I was starting to panic.

"Let go- of me!" I slightly yelled, yanking me hands back, and failing.


As I looked up to see who spoke, the man holding me was suddenly punched in the face, completely knocking him out in a second, causing me to gasp and jump at the sudden action.

"Kirishima!?" I yelled quietly once I noticed it was him.

He seemed pissed. Really pissed. He was giving the man on the floor a death stare, before he looked at me. His face immediately turning to worry.

"Are you okay!??" He said running up to me and checking my body for wounds or bruises.

"Did he hurt you? I'll fucking kill him-" he started to turned towards the man, I immediately grabbed his face to make him turn towards me, slightly scared he might actually kill the guy.

"No no, I'm fine- he was just...touchy" I said trying to calm him, it half worked.

"Disgusting piece of shit." He turned and spit on him. "Who does shit like that" he said turning back to me.

In that second we both realized our current position.

Him, arms around me, and me, slightly hanging onto his shirt. Kinda like the previous position with the man on the floor, except this one, made me red. Actually it made us both red.

We separated from eachother, both speaking at the same time a bunch of mumbles of sorry and trying to continue the conversation.

As we both quieted we stood there, staring at eachother.

"We should uh, get back in line..." I said, still staring at him.

"Mmh hmm, we should..."

We both the came back to reality and got back into the line, that has left us behind due to the whole situation.

'Fuck...he's cute.' I thought to myself as I peaked a look at him. 'and nice...' I internally dreaded to myself as I realized,

I had a crush.

×Not Forgiven× ¶KiriDeku¶ ¶Bakudeku angst¶ (Non-one For All/Quirkless deku AU)Where stories live. Discover now