3. Ceremony?

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As the Dreamsand disappears from the sky, I notice Jack smirking at me.

"What?" I ask, smiling.

"Nothing, do you feel better?" He asks me.

"Yeah I do actually." I smile back.

We look at each other for a while, just me and him.

"Oh yeah, you told me that you wanted to tell me something serious...what's wrong?" He asks me, concern clouding his blue eyes.

"Oh...yeah..." I remember the whole reason as to why I'm with Jack in the first place.

I take a deep breath.

"Jack, I'm a-" Suddenly a shadowy figure and an unfamiliar noise zips by us.

"Whoa!" Jack and I zip around.

Jack follows me, as I fly over a house to an adjacent tree to investigate and again, something zooms behind us.

Jack jumps down from the tree and onto a truck in a nearby alley.

Suddenly: WHOOSH! The shadow flashes by, knocking over a trash can.

Jack and I jump down from the truck and back up out of the alleyway into a clearing.

"Hello, mates." We both turn around, ready to strike, as I hold my bow and arrow at the ready.

"Oh no." I mutter to myself.

"Been a long time. Blizzard of 68, I believe? Easter Sunday, wasn't it?" Bunny asks Jack, as he steps into the light.

I look at Jack, who is completely bewildered.

"Bunny? You're not still mad about that...are you?" He asks, leaning on his staff.

"Okay, so-"

"Yes." Bunny replies, glaring at Jack as he ignores me. The bunny then whips out one of his boomerangs and casually looks at it as he   holds it in his hands.

"But this is about something else...fellas..."

Before we realizes what's happening a huge hand reaches and lifts him off his feet.

"Hey!" Jack exclaims, as one of the yetis grab the boy by his hood.

"Durbha wahla."

"Put me down! What the-" I watch as Jack is shoved head first into a sack. A yeti whips out a snow globe, and smashes it on the ground.

"Durtal bardla burdlew." And just like that, a magic portal opens in front of them. The yetis make way for Bunny to leap in.

"Dwbard urghwetee?" A yeti asks.

"Me?" The bunny then false laughs, and holds his belly.

"Not on your nelly. See you back at the pole."

Before he could go anywhere, I grab the tall rabbit by his ear.

"Hang on a minute!" I exclaim.

"What do you want?!" The Australian bunny shouts back, as he scratches my hand away from his ears.

"I almost had him! I was just about to tell him, until you showed up and ruined it all!" I shout, getting frustrated.

"What! You had the whole day to get him! North got impatient!" He reasons, as I roll my eyes.

"You coming with me or going with them?" Bunny asks, gesturing the waiting yetis.

"No I am not going with you." I confirm, as I walk through the portal, the yetis following behind me.

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