Staying At The Manor Part 1-Finding out - Birdflash

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Robin's POV

I sighed deeply.  I was getting stressed over nothing. Wally either feelis the same way or he doesnt.

Just try to stay whelmed.

I've known Wally since I was 8 years old and he was 10. I'm now 16 and we've been friends for 8 years but over the last 2 years , since making the team, I've started to feel more for him.  I love him, yes in a brotherly way but also in a kissing way. Just then the energetic red head came speeding in and jumped on my lap. I blushed but luckily he couldnt see due to my glasses. Wally doesnt know who I really am and I want to tell him soon. He has to crash at the manor for a few days while his parents are away. That's where we are now watching The Avengers. 

He moves to face me and pushes me so I am lying down. He then lies ontop of me. We are both facing the T.V. I know he has moved us into this position to be comfy and nothing else because he only sees me as a best friend. After an hour he moved and his butt rubbed off my crotch which made me moan and he giggled and appologised getting up to change the DVD. He said he had to go to the bathroom and sped off. I didnt realise that when I moaned I had turned him onand he was just trying to cover his little problem up.  He came back and sat on the couch. He looked troubled. We started the next movie and after a while I fell asleep and my head fell on his shoulder. He soon fell asleep too. I woke up at 2AM. My glasses had fallen off and I couldnt see where they were. I carried the sleeping Wally to his bed. As I turned to leave he grabbed my hand which made me blush

"Rob........?" he mumbled. He opened his eyes and turned on his bedside lamp. I shielded my eyes with my hands. Batman would kill me.

"Rob, where are your glasses?"


"Can I-I.......see your eyes?" he asked

"Um............." but before I could answer he had sped over to me and was very close to me as he removed my hands from my eyes. I just watched as he stared at my blue eyes.

"Rob-" I cut him off

"Richard-Dick-Grayson" I corrected

"Okay, Dick, you have the nicest eyes I've ever seen." We both laughed though I'm sure that compliment  ment more to me than he thought it did. We both went to bed to get some rest for the next few days we get to spend with eachother and hopefully I can control my feelings for Wally.......

A/N: To be continued.......................................

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