Kidnapped and Lost

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Guess who's back! Wow. I have not updated since January and I'm sorry. I have had a tough few months with exams and my panic attacks got worse so I had to take a break from writing. But I am back! And I have a lot of requests and I'm happy to take more requests so request away! Here we go!

This was requested by samdeancastiel123 months ago and I'm sorry it took so long for me to put up. I'm also sorry if this isn't what you meant when you put in your request, if its not just let me know and i can try again.

The light in the room was too bright as it shone in your face, illuminating the bright blonde bunches of the girl in front of you. She was laughing too loudly and you wanted to reach out and stop her laughing but your hands were painfully tied to the creaky old wooden chair you were sat in.

"Aw poor baby" The blonde girl cooed, giggling too loudly again, her hair bouncing as her shoulders moved with the action.

"Harley dear,  I can't see the prisoner if you're stood in front of them" A shrill, eerie voice echoed around the dark room.

"Sorry Puddin'" The blonde girl, Harley, gracefully hopped out of the way revealing the horrifying sight of your capturer.

His face was pulled back and it almost looked like it had been sloppily reattached or something...

You immediately recognized the  man by his signature green hair and his purple suit."Joker!" You spat out. "You wont get away with this!"

A fearsome laugh echoed through your bones, striking terror in your heart.

"Oh? But I already have" he sneered as he swung a crowbar at you, knocking you out cold. 


"Rob! Rob! Hurry up man!" KidFlash screamed at his superhero friend who was desperately trying to get both of them into the compound undetected.

"I'm going as fast as fast as I can KF!" he whispered back harshly trying not to get caught because a fight was not what they needed.

The angry red light on the door silently turned green as the door clanked then slowly swung open. Kidflash ran into the room, which has been left completely empty apart from a body slumped on a wooden chair in the middle of the room. Wally sped over to the body only to let out a sob when he saw the state the body was in. It was beaten and bruised and unmoving.  

"Rob! They-- They're dead! We're too late!"Wally began to cry over your beaten body. Robin rushed over checking your wrist for a pulse.

"There's a pulse KF! But it's weak. You need to run them back to the cave's infirmary"

"But Rob, I cant  carry both of you!"

"I'll meet you there. Hurry you don't have much time!"

KF nodded at his best friend before gently picking up your body and speeding off.


The light in the room was too bright when you opened your eyes. It took you a minute to adjust but you eventually recognized the ceiling of the infirmary. 

"Wha-" you tried to speak but your throat felt like sandpaper.

"Hey you're awake!" You sat up to see Wally and Robin smiling at you. You grinned back but it quickly fell off your face when you saw Robin's arm in a cast. 

"Rob! Wha- Wha--arm!" You tried to ask.

"Oh this" he chuckled raising his cast "It's nothing! You should see how the Joker left our fight" he laughed again.

"You fought the Joker!?" Your words flew out regardless of your sore throat.

"Of course! Wally and I would do anything for you!"

"Yeah! We're glad you're back and okay" Wally smiled.

"I'm glad I'm back too"

Young Justice One Shots NO LONGER ON HOLD. REQUESTS WELCOMETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang