Chapter Four: Past Loves and Second Chances

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It's been two weeks now, since the kissing incident and Faith had been trying to get a hold of Rachel ever since she told her off in the glee club classroom, she had been calling the brunette at least ten times or more a day, texting her almost twice as much, but it was futile.

It seems as though Quinn's plan worked like a charm, Rachel hadn't been anywhere near as enthusiastic as she had been two weeks prior, she barley even wants to sing in glee club anymore and when she does it lacks her usual spark of majesty.

Rachel's mood had been so sour lately; she wasn't as annoyingly talkative as she would usually be during glee rehearsals or even raised her hand once either. She has been feeling her phone buzz for the tenth time that day, Rachel was so flustered with Faith's constant texts, that she just turned her phone off, and put it back in her pocket and left for the lunch room.

On her way though, she run into Quinn and her cheerleader followers, who upon seeing Rachel, all threw slushies' at her. She was covered head to toe in slush, so she did the only thing she could think of, she run off crying, heading to her only sanctuary in the school, the choir room.

Finn had seen what his girlfriend Quinn had done to Rachel, and went to go comfort her. 'Rachel can be really sensitive; I'll make her feel better.' He thought to himself as he followed the brunette into the choir room.

When he enters the room, he hears her bawling her eyes out to someone, but can't hear the other person. 'Hmm, wonder who she's talking to?'

Rachel had heard someone come in, but ignored them, cause right now she really needed to hear her father's love and compassion.

She had called her dad Harim as soon as she had gotten in the glee room. "What happened honey?" Hiram asks worried. Hearing her father's worried tone of voice, Rachel decides to just tell him everything, from the constant calls and texts from Faith that she will never answer, to Quinn and her flunkies dumping cups full of slush all over her.

"Got to go, love you, see you when I get home, bye." Rachel told her father before hanging up.

After she hung up her cell, she realized it was Finn who had followed her. He was looking at her with a puzzled look on his dopey face. 'Good lord, I bet he thought I was talking to myself, he was never very bright, what did I ever see in him?' Rachel thinks to herself, inwardly sighing at having to deal with another ex.

"What are you doing here Finn; I'm really not in the mood to talk to someone, least of all you." Rachel tells him with a hint of anger in her voice.

"Hey Rachel, I just wanted to make sure you were ok." Finn says sincerely.

"Why should you care, it's your girlfriend who slushies' me almost every day, and you say nothing to her!" Rachel practically screams at him.

"Believe it or not, I do care Rach." She cringed when she heard that nickname, that's what Faith would call her and even though she knows it was all a lie, it feels odd to have someone else use Faith's nickname for her, almost wrong in a way.

Not getting an immediate response, Finn asks the question he really wants to know. "Who were you talking to, are you still dating Faith? You know she's just using you." He asks her with a hurt expression, his voice heavily laced with jealousy.

"What's it to you, we're not together and haven't been for quite some time, so you have no right to be jealous. I'm not yours Finn!"

After hearing that, Finn starts to get really pissed and storms towards Rachel with a look of pure rage etched into his features. He grabs Rachel by the arm. "What? Come on Rachel, you're not even gay! What are you doing, going for anyone who might love you, huh!? What did you do, fuck her just to keep her lying cheating ass!?" Finn screams at her.

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