Chapter Nine: Happy Holiday Gifts and Tragic Happenings

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Rachel's dads came back a few days ago from visiting Hiram's family and are in the full holiday spirit. Rachel is a little depressed at the moment, still she helps her dads hang lights.

"Something wrong dear?" Hiram asks his clearly distraught daughter.

"No, I'm fine daddy." She huffs, giving him a halfhearted smile.

"Are you upset that Faith won't be spending the holidays with you?" He asks, knowing that would have to be the reason for his daughter's lackluster mood.

"Yes, I mean why couldn't I go with her to visit her family. It's not like they live far away, they are only like forty minutes away, tops!" Rachel whines, making her fathers laugh at her childish behavior.

"Maybe some of her relatives aren't as accepting as others." Leroy speculates.

"But if she loves me like she says, then she shouldn't care what anyone thinks!" Rachel exclaims, raising her voice she's getting so upset.

Her dads shake their heads and continue with putting up the rest of the decorations. Hiram sighs, hating the heartbroken look on his normally chipper daughter's face as she stares at the gifts underneath the tree, more importantly the gift she got for Faith.

It's now Christmas Eve and Faith had just text Rachel with disheartening news. Sorry babe, but I won't be able to spend Christmas with you, sorry. XOXO, F.

That's alright; you should be with your family. R.

You're mad, I can tell. It's not like I can just leave. I don't want to fight babe, not on Christmas Eve. I love you Rach and I truly wish I could be there. XOXO, F.

You could have taken me with you! R.

What and you leave your dads alone for the holidays? XOXO, F.

They would have survived! This was supposed to be our first Christmas together it's not fair! R.

I know babe, but that's how it is. Maybe next year? XOXO, F.

But I miss waking up next to you in the morning. You know what, just forget it! R.


I have to go, someone is at the door. See you when you get back I guess. R.

Rachel thought about how childish she'd been about the whole thing, so she decided to send Faith a simple message relaying those thoughts and feelings before she answers the door.

Sorry, I Love You Faith. XOXO, R.

Rachel's phone buzzes before she can get to the door, so she decides to read it quickly.

Shit, open the door. It's fucking cold out here. F.

After reading that, she rushes to the door as fast as humanly possible. She opened the door to find her girlfriend shivering in the cold. "What are you doing here!?" Rachel asks confused, but extremely excited as she embraces her girlfriend.

"Oh shit it's cold out there, lemme get warm first, ok?" Faith asks apologetically.

Once Faith gets situated in front of the roaring fireplace with Rachel wrapped up in the blanket with her, she pulls out a small brightly wrapped box and hands it to the other girl.

"I wasn't about ta spend Christmas away from my girl, so I left early. Dad ain't one fer big family events, plus he had ta go to work anyway." Faith smiles, handing Rachel the box.

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