Chapter Eleven: Back to School

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Rachel wakes to an overbearingly loud noise. 'Oh, it's the alarm clock.' She groggily thinks to herself, and then groans realizing winter break is now officially over and she has to return to school.

"Damn!" She whispers to herself, flopping back on the bed in a huff. 'I wish Faith could have spent the night, but no, dad says no more sleepovers on school nights. Unless they're gone of course.'

Rachel slowly gets out of bed, dreading going back to school, the harassment's from Quinn and the slushies from the jocks. 'Maybe it won't be so bad; no one wants to invoke the wrath of Faith Lehane or Santana Lopez for that matter.' Rachel giggles to herself as she gets dressed and ready for school, making sure to wrap her cast up before she showers.

She gets out of the showers and gets dressed as quickly as possible with one arm, then goes downstairs to grab something quick to eat before her girlfriend gets there to pick her up.


"That's Faith, bye dad, daddy!"

"Bye honey!" Rachel hears both her father's yell as she walks out the door. When she sees Faith, she runs as quickly as she can and jumps into the passenger seat. She grabs Faith and gives her a very passionate kiss.

"Damn girl... I wasn't gone but one night." Faith groans, pulling out of the kiss.

"But one night without you, might as well be a lifetime." Rachel gushes.

"Yer too cute babe, love you." Faith says, kissing her girlfriend again before she starts the short trek to school. On the way though, her hand starts wandering and ends up on Rachel's thigh, slowly moving up her beautiful naturally dark tan legs.

Only to be stopped when Rachel quickly laces their fingers together with her good hand before Faith could reach her intended destination. 'If she does anything, we will not be making it to school today.' Rachel muses.

They arrive at McKinley with a few minutes to spare. "I think since we got here so early that I'll practice some vocal bars before school starts." Rachel states as she exits the vehicle.

"Whatever ya wanna do babe, I love ta hear ya sing."

"You're the best girlfriend ever. I love you Faithy." Rachel states lovingly, laying her head on Faith's shoulder as they make their way to the choir room.

She sets up her music sheets, and then starts her vocal training exercises. Faith sits on the piano bench, watching the other girl with a mix of love and desire. "Yer amazin." Faith breaths dreamily.

Rachel stops when she hears the compliment and beams at Faith. "Thanks love." she replies.

"Hey bitches, how was your..." Santana starts, but gasps when she notices Rachel's broken arm. "What the fuck happened to you are you ok!?" She exclaims, rushing over to a very startled brunette.

"Wow, I didn't know you cared so much." Rachel says her eyebrows almost meeting her hairline.

"Hey, I may be a total bitch, but I still care about my friends." Santana states, hands on her hips.

"I got in a car wreck, but I'm ok now."

"Good." The Latina says, relief evident in her tone. "Hows about you, I know if it was Brits that got hurt, that I'd have been going nuts?" Santana ask Faith.

She smiles at her concerned friend. "Honestly, I almost beat a nurse tryin ta get to her." Faith admits, smirking.

At that point, Brittany comes bounding in, lacing her arm though Santana's. "What are you guys..." Brittany says, before she notices Rachel's cast. "Why is your arm yellow?" she asks, cocking her head to the side.

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