Chapter Five: Insecurities and First Times

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It had been a couple weeks since Faith and Rachel had made up, and everything was going pretty well, mostly because Rachel hadn't left Faith's side since they made up, she would spend the night at Faith's house every other day of the week, and she would want Faith to spend the night at her house the days in between, and since Faith's dad worked nights most of the time, Rachel's fathers didn't mind that Faith was staying over so much, they liked her a lot better than Finn.

Faith was a little concerned about Rachel's new found clinginess though, as much as she loved holding Rachel every night, she didn't want her girlfriend to think she wouldn't be safe without her, or that if she wasn't in sight, Faith would leave never to be seen again.

Rachel had even demanded her schedule be changed, so her and Faith had the same classes at the same time, wanting to be around her as much as possible. 'I know I've become clingy, but I don't want to ever lose her again.' Thought Rachel.

She was walking to her next class holding hands with Faith the whole way there, when they arrived in Biology class, they sat next to each other. This had also been a regular occurrence too, which caused Rachel even more scrutiny from her classmates.

"God Berry, clingy much? I bet Faith gets tired of constantly being glued to your damn hip all the freakin time." Quinn snarked as she walked past them to sit in between Santana and Finn in the back, who was glaring a hole into the back of Faith's head.

When Quinn sat down, Santana finally spoke her mind. "Hey Q, why don't you just leave Berry and her sexy girlfriend alone, it ain't like she wants Finnocence anymore, probably never did."

"Yeah Quinn, Rachel's actually happy for once and I like Faith, she helped me find my locker today when I got lost." Brittany smiles.

"What kind of spell does Slutorama have over everyone?"

"Maybe it's cause she's extremely hot and nice, unlike some people." Santana deadpans shrugging her shoulders.

Rachel was contemplating what Quinn said and soon turns to Faith with questioning eyes. "Is that true, am I bothering you?" She asks upset, tears forming in her beautiful brown eyes.

"No, I mean yeah, you are a tad clingy, but I understand. You don't wanna lose me again, but I'm here, not ever goin nowhere, not as long as ya wants me here, you know I love ya." Faith replies truthfully.

Rachel gets up stomping out leaving the class and a bewildered Faith behind. 'What did I say? Shit I screwed up didn't I?, shouldn't agreed that she was being clingy, Fuck!'

Faith asked permission to leave to go after her girlfriend; she left the class in search of Rachel, knowing that she would most likely be in the bathroom crying. When Faith got to the ladies room, her suspicions were correct; she could hear little sniffles coming from the last stall. "Rach, honey, please come out, what'd I do wrong?" Faith pleaded.

Rachel came bursting out of the stall beyond angry. "You agreed with Quinn, you said I was acting clingy!" she yelled.

"No I didn't...Well ok, maybe I did, but I also said I understood." Faith defended.

"Whatever, if I'm so clingy, then maybe I should keep my distance, will that suffice your needs for alone time?" Rachel screeches, leaving the restroom in a huff. 'What?' Urg, I'm a have ta figure out a way ta make er not be pissed at me no more.'

The day continued with Faith getting the cold shoulder from Rachel, if Faith would try to sit by her in class like usual, Rachel would just get up, give her a cold glare, and move to another seat.

Rachel got to glee before anyone else like usual, and was sitting at her usual spot when she saw Faith enter and take a seat next to her. "What are you doing here, I thought you said you needed your space!?" Rachel whispers in an angry voice, folding her arms over her chest.

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