Chapter 4

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Grandma descended from the stairs like she always does, like a beauty pageant winner, which I am told she was in 1956, she was Miss Philadelphia. She wore an elaborate black dress and her hair was pulled back in a black hat with a thin black net covering the upper half of her face. In the hot summer afternoon, she wore black gloves. "I never compromise with fashion", she said, when she saw the look on my face. I gave a weak smile to that.

Grandma was going to Mayor Telbot and his wife's funeral, beautiful eye's parents. A holiday was declared today, the whole town was mourning, which was strange and sweet. I remembered the look on the girl's face. More than that, I remembered the movement of her eyes. Like she was sizing things up. Shocks waves went through me as I had flashbacks of the last month in my mind. What happened to me was bad, what happened to the girl was worse.

I could not stay in the living room any longer. I had to get out for air. I picked up my jacket and went into the warm breeze of late afternoon.

I cannot do it. No I can't. How can I say words I did not write, words I do not feel. These were Alex's feeling. My feelings are far too frightening to be dealt with in front of the whole town.

I left the podium and ran as fast as possible. Alex will understand, his parents will too. My parents won't, they never do. But who cares, THEY ARE DEAD.

When I went out into the street, I felt an invisible force around me, I was drawn somewhere. My mind wasn't thinking, only my legs were moving. I came across a playground around the corner, it was deserted except for a swing. A girl with long dark hair and a black dress was sitting on it. She turned around as if sensing my presence. I recognized her eyes before anything. Darker than ever in the pale yellow sunlight.

I sat down beside her, knowing what happened last time I did that.

"During the last few days in England, my drama teacher Mrs. Cassabell gave me a book on psychological disorders. According to that when you have constant flashes of bad memories, you have post traumatic stress disorder", I told beautiful eyes without her asking

"Sorry", she said after a moment. " It was a ritual", I nodded like I understood her completely. "Why aren't you at the funeral?", she asked me before I could ask her the same. " I hate funerals", I said. We both went silent after that. The strange comfort engulfed us, it relaxed us. I could feel her breath slow down.

I got up from the swing, and went to lie down in the grass, not thinking just moving. After a minute, she came and lie down beside me.
"You know what happens when two people lie down together?"
"They fall in love"
"No they don't"
"Trust me,they do"
"Good, now my parents will love each other forever."

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