Chapter 16

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I could not find him anywhere, none of us could, we wandered in the streets of a city for two days. A city who knew nothing about us and neither did we. It was unbearable, I have never been away from Alex. Not for a long time, he was always with me. By my side.

Raul's face was starting to show worry. And I knew the reason. I could sense his pain just by the looks on his face. All grim and sad. Lines on his forehead. Acting all detached. I didn't like this phase. It made me worry.

Our emotions were connected somehow. If one of us was sad. The other one got sad immediately. I knew the universe wanted us together. That is why it brought us together. But it was hard sometimes. We tried to hold on to each other as long as possible.

"I am worried about Alex, but I am also worried about what I am going to tell Mr. and Mrs. Xaviers when we get back?" I told Raul when we got back that night to the hotel. Without Alex.

"We have to tell them, Zia." My name from his mouth was a cure to me. I regained my confidence a little.

Rita interrupted and said, "We have to face the ugly truth kids. Alex is lost."


I was lost, I was still in a daze when we got back to the plaza. I was totally over whelmed by the talent that I saw around me. But we had to leave because the police was urging people to go into their homes. Preet told me that this meant the matter was serious and that it would be wise to go back.

"I hope your vacation wasn't ruined." She said looking at me when we were driving back.

"I know it sounds crazy. But it actually got better."

"Hey! It does sound cheesy. But I am glad."

"Now you are being cheesy."



"Have you thought about tomorrow? Will you go back?"

"I hope, only if the weather gets better." She went quiet then and an unexplainable silence filled the vehicle. Only the sound of the revving of the engine survived before she said "I am going to miss this."


"We better get downstairs, Preet" Mira was telling Alex and I as we entered the Plaza.

"Is it that bad?"

"Yes. Alex you'd have to adjust tonight."

"Yeah, I am fine with it, no problem." Alex said nonchalantly.

Half an hour later everybody was being moved downstairs. All the thirty inhabitants of the Plaza. My cute next door neighbour was there too. But for some reason he wasn't looking cute to me anymore. And then it struck me.

"Mira. My camera. I can't let it get destroyed upstairs. I need to go get it. I have to. It's very precious."

"More precious than your life?"

"Yes" I said with a straight face.

"Fine, your decision. But don't go alone." "I'd say take your boy toy with you" she said sharply poking me with her elbow


"No, your cute neighbour guy"

"I don't think he will go with me."

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