Chapter 19

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At breakfast. Mira kept giving us strange looks. She even said something to Preet in Hindi and they both giggled at it. I was oddly at peace today. I had no hurry to go back, even though I knew I had too. I also had a plan formulated. A solid, fool proof plan for me and Preet. I was a strategist. That is why I played basketball so good. I knew where the ball was and where it will be next. I knew how to turn things to my favour. I also knew now, how to find the rest of my schoolmates. I had remembered the happening of that night a long time ago but I didn't tell anyone. I looked over at Preet from the table, she was sitting across from me. She was looking at me.

Last night, the stars had aligned for me. And I knew Preet felt that too. That is why she was so worried about the future. About our future.

"I will be taking my leave now Mira. Thank you everything you have done for me." I said to Mira after breakfast.

"Don't be a stranger Alex." With a hug and a kiss on my cheek Mira bid adieu to me. "And remember I want my Preet back at the end of the night."

"I can't make promises I can't keep" Preet was smiling and shaking her head. Cheesy lines made her head move in a yes-almost-no movement.

The traffic at the bridge, confirmed that it was open to access. The lines on Preet's forehead grew as we came close to our destination. I asked Preet to take me to spice street. This was the place I remember most vividly, maybe it was the place we went to first. I told Preet whatever I could remember from that night in the jeep, she nodded the whole while and cursed in Hindi ever so often. Cute small curses that made her face curve in all different place. I bent to the right and kissed her every time she cursed.

"You sure this is the place?" Preet asked me, as we entered the smoky bar. People were lazily cleaning the counters, a few people sat on the bar as it was relatively early for normal people to drink. "As far as I remember, yes. I can vividly remember this scent. What is it again?"

"Old people and sweat" I laughed a little and she smiled.

"Excuse me, do you remember me?" I asked the lady bartender with purple curls and dark skin. She looked up from her blood shot eyes.

"Did we kiss?"


"Then I don't remember you. Don't bother me, or I'll call the bouncer"

"I am sorry but I came here, about three nights ago with a girl. I specifically remember you made our drinks, you even told us about this hot new place down the street." Her eyes flashed in recognition.

"Acchi kismet hai teri." I looked at her all confused, "Did the girl have red hair?"

"Yes. Yes she did." For the first time in my life, I was happy to hear about Miranda.

"She was here an hour ago. She was looking for a boy too. You match the description she gave. What was the name she told me...." She tried to remember my name concentration, by closing her eyes.


"Yes, Alex. Are you him?"

"Yes, I am Alex."

"She left this for you" She handed me a note.

Alex if you find this. Call this number 78632820. You will find Zia on the line. And I am sorry.

I handed over the note to Preet. She took out her phone and started dialling the number. When the phone rang. I went in a corner to talk to Zia. Preet waited by the counter.

Zia picked up after four rings. Her sweet voice filled my ears.

"Hello. Who is this?"


"Alex. Oh God Alex. Is that you? Are you okay? Where are you?"

"I am okay Zia. I am on old spice street, I was looking for you." Zia started crying on the other side of the phone and murmuring he is alive he is alive probably to Raul.

"Alex, you stay there we are coming."

"Yeah, I am not going anywhere. You take your time."

When I closed the phone I looked around the bar but I could not find Preet. I felt uneasy. I went to the bar and asked the bartender. She nodded a no, when I asked her if she saw where she went. I looked some more for her. In empty booths and bathrooms. A feeling of betrayal crossed over me, did she really do it? Did she leave me when I needed her the most? I felt everything for Preet, but, was I just a toy to her?

Angrily I burst outside in the hot sunlight. And there she was standing in a corner eating ice cream like nothing had happened. She smiled and waved at me. Her short hair curling around her neck due to the heat.

"Hey, I saved you some" She gave me her ice cream, I took it like a school boy.

"I thought you had left me"

"What? When?"

"Just now. I thought I was useless to you now and therefore you left"

Suddenly, her face grew serious.

"I can never do that Alex. Never, you are everything to me. Right now in this moment you are my whole world"

I looked at her in disbelief and shook my head in defeat. "I am sorry for questioning you. For not trusting you" She put her hand on my cheek and kissed away the tension between us.

I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I could recognise her scent in my dream. It was the first thing I remember from that dreadful night. Miranda. She was standing behind me a smirk on her face. Rita was standing to her right.

"Alex. Thank God you are alive. And who is this young lady" I introduced Preet to Rita and Miranda. Preet smiled on the outside, but I knew what was going on in her mind.

A gush of wind suddenly passed me and a girl with short spiky hair hugged me so tightly I could see Preet cringe internally. Zia. And she was crying.

"Don't you ever, ever do that again Alex. Never."

"Hey man" Raul said from behind her

"And the bad boy returns" said Mr. Watts from behind.

Everyone was speaking at the same time. Loudly and fast. A lot of hugs were exchanged. Handshakes and introductions were made. Zia smiled warmly at Preet when I told her who she was.

"Everyone, meet Preet Singh Baluchi. My saviour my GIRLFRIEND"

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