Chapter 9

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"Zia, wake up!"

"Zia, you need to get your ass out of bed or I swear to God I am going to murder someone"

I wake up to a choking sensation, last night's happenings flash by me as I struggle to breath. However, my nerves relax as soon as I see his face. Raul is pacing about the room. Alex is standing still in a corner observing him with a strange expression.

Raul looks at me now. Sees that I am awake and hugs me. The hug consumes me completely, I start to get some of the strength back. "I thought you were gone", I say in a croaked voice.

"No, Zia. Not yet." He kisses me now. A desperate, urgent kiss, like it's the last time we kiss. I don't like that idea. When we let go, I feel refreshed. Alex clears his throat.

"Brother in the room", Raul looks at me with one eyebrow raised.

"He just likes to boss around, leave him"

"Alex, can you leave us for a minute, I need to talk to him", I say in a pleading voice.

"No can do. Mom's orders. No boys in the room without supervision", he says.

Fury flashes in me, the caged feeling comes back for a second. Just for Raul I control myself and say, "What she won't know will not hurt her. You know I'll do the same for you Alex", I use my best puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, five minutes. I'll be outside the door." Alex leaves without taking his eyes off Raul.

"I thought you were gone. I was broken. I felt alone. And I didn't know what to do, so I left and I came home. And I cried and I cried Raul. Don't ever do that to me ever again. Never." tears start streaming down my face, just like last night. I could not control them. He kisses me again. A kiss to take my tears away. A kiss to control me. A kiss to calm me down. This time I feel a pain in my heart. Like a bandage has been ripped. My heart was bleeding. It was bleeding for him.

"Zia no, please don't cry. You know it drives me crazy seeing you cry", Raul is on his knees now. His hands around my hands. He wipes my tears and puts his head on my hand, kissing it gently, in his oh so British way. I control myself. Fearing another outburst.

"Zia, the reason I came here was to remind you about the dinner. Grandma is beyond herself. She wants to meet you. And dad..." he trails off.

"You don't have to talk about him if you don't want. I'll come and I'll behave. Maybe I'll even shake hands with him. What do you think?"

"I don't want you conspiring with the enemy", he says was a sad smile. I smile a little too.

I hear a knock on the door. Its Alex.

"Five minutes are up guys I am coming in", he says.

Raul leans forwards and kisses me one last time. Our lips meet at an intersection of desire, this kiss is unlike any other kiss. My mind is awake. I feel like Raul's thoughts, running through me. Like the nerve ending which was haywire has found its place, it has gone and connected with one of Raul's. I feel determination for the first time in months. An idea settles in me. I have a mission now. And this mission is going to be my nirvana. I cannot sit in my room and cry anymore. I am Zia Telbot. I love Raul. And I am not letting him go.

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