Chapter 20

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"Congratulations man" Raul hugged Alex in a brotherly way that made me smile wider. "Oh my God Alex, she is beautiful and so smart" I was saying to Alex in his hotel room.It was night by the time we reached the hotel, Preet went back to her home, for the night, with a somewhat uncomfortable kiss from Alex as everybody was staring. As for Miranda, she was downstairs with Mr. Watts and Rita, going through the consequences of her actions.

"What do you think they are going to do with her?" Alex asked us, he was sitting on his bed cross legged, while I sat with Raul on a vintage version of a sued love seat. Alex's room was bigger than mine complete with a walk in closet and dining table at the corner of the room.

"Miranda? I think they are going to send her back." Raul suggested.

"No, that would be too hard, Mr. Watts would have to state the reason to the school board. I think he wants to keep this all of this under the rug." I said.

"Ha" a laugh escaped Alex's mouth. We looked at him all confused. "You know what he said to me at the airport. He said, don't get into any trouble Alex. That is what he said to me. And what did I do the first night we were here."

"It isn't your fault Alex" I said reassuringly. Raul agreed, "Miranda told everyone what happened. Its okay. You were not in your right mind."

"It is my fault, Miranda is my fault." Alex was in a bad place. I stood up and went to hug him. "Listen to me Alex. She is a bitch. You remember what she did to you. She made you a druggy an addict just like her. But things will be better now. I know it. You know why I like Preet so much..." Alex raised his eyes and said, "You like her?"

"Yes very much. I like her because I can see her purity. She will cure you Alex. She will." Alex's weak smile meant that he understood what I meant.

"Did you tell mom and dad about what happened?" Alex asked me after a while.

"No, I lied, made excuses. You should talk to them thought."

"Yeah good idea"

"I will leave you to it, see you downstairs for dinner?"


And with that I left with Raul, we had some to kill and I knew what we had to do with it. As I was closing the door of Alex's room, I heard his phone ring.


"I want to see the beach"


"I want to see the beach, Alex"

"Preet? Why are you crying? Is everything okay? Are you okay?"

"I want to see the beach Alex. I want to see the beach with you. I want to feel the sound of the ocean in my ears and feel the sand on my feet"

"We will go Preet. We will. You tell me what is wrong, I am coming over."


"I am coming"

"No, Alex. Its fine. I was just overwhelmed. I miss you."

"I miss you too baby"

"Don't say that"



"I miss you baby" I could feel her smile on the other side of the phone.

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