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(D5) Rusty 

                      Rusty is an Ex-British Railways class 03 0-6-0DM, designed or shunting work along the national network. Number D2001 was built at Doncaster in 1957, being the second member of the first batch of class 03's, and would be put to work at Ipswich docks for the first year of their life. At the dockyard, D2001 would learn to take great care of the rail lines around the docks after witnessing several mishaps among it's siblings. It would be because of their great care for safety that the NWR would purchase D2001 in 1958 to work permanent way trains along the Skarloey Branchline. Upon arrival, D2001 wasn't in the best of shape, with it's exhaust vents coated in rust fro the salty sea air, leading staff and other engines to christen them "Rusty", a name which they carry with pride to this day. Since arrival on the NWR, Rusty has always been based a Crovans Gate MPD, acting as one of 3 engines assigned to permanent  way duties. Rusty is also one of the first Non-Binary locomotives to arrive on Sodor, and doesn't like when others don't acknowledge their preferred pronouns.

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