Faint Light (Chapter 1)

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The darkness seemed to be closing in as Meme struggled to keep moving forward. As his vision adjusted to the lighting, he noticed a person standing a few feet away. Memegod took another step forward recognizing the orange space suit and brown hair of Socks. Socks had his back to Meme, his air blowing in the wind. Even though there was no wind down here.

"Socks!" He shouted running forwards, he slowed down as a wave of uneasiness flowed over him. He bit his lip and clenched his fist determined to keep moving forward. Socks still staring out into the distance. As Meme got closer he was able to see past Socks' shoulder and he realized that he could see the red eyes of L4FF walking towards Socks.

"Move away!" Meme screamed. Socks just stood there staring at L4FF not even trying to move away. He stopped running and watched as L4FF picked up Socks with his gravity gun. Socks kicking in the air trying to escape the grasp. Meme attempted to run forwards but it seemed like he was stuck in place, as if he was in the grasp of the gravity gun instead. Socks let out a terrified shriek as L4FF pulled out an iron sword and stabbed it into his chest. It was almost like Meme could feel the pain himself. Meme watched as L4FF removed the sword from Socks' chest he watched as Socks fell to the ground. Meme opened his mouth to scream but no sound came out. He opened his eyes to see that he was in his room. By himself, the sun was rising and shining through his window. The light hitting his eyes. He yawned and stretched. His dream still replaying through his memories. He slid on his favorite onesie it was of a cookie monster but he still enjoyed wearing it as it was warmth kept him alive down in the cold trenches of "The basement" as him and his friends were trapped in when they got kidnapped by Laff, or L4FF as he had revealed to them. He shivered and walked over to his ladder that led down to the main part of his house. He heard the clatter of a dish downstairs and he quickly began his climb down. Stopping on the last few steps and jumping off landing with a thud on the wooden plank floor. He turned to see his adoptive son crouching on the floor sweeping up broken reminiscence of what could only be assumed as a ceramic plate. His tophats slid off his head and landed on the floor. He was still transfixed on picking up the shards of glass to notice. So Meme walked over and picked up the hats for him. It took Nadwe a second but he soon realized that Meme was standing above him, clutching his hats.

"Oh-! Good morning Meme." Nadwe laughed tiredly, "I didn't expect you to be up so early."

"It's almost Eleven o'clock Nad," Meme pointed out. Nadwe glanced at the clock hanging on the wall behind Meme.

"Well you have that point." Nadwe chuckled, standing up still cupping his hands full of shards of ceramic. He walked over to the trash and turned over his hands dumping the plates broken pieces into the garbage he dusted off his hands by clapping them together then brushing them on the leg of his suit pants. Nadwe had bubbling soap bubbles coating his suit and Meme could see parts of the suit hanging limp from being damp. "I can't wash dishes as well as Wiktora." Nadwe whispered barely loud enough for Meme to hear.

"Well I can't either." Meme attempted to reassure his son, earning a weak smile from him as he walked over to the table and sat down in one of the chairs.



"I'm hungry,"

"I'm kind of hungry too."

"Do we have anything to eat?"

"I don't know." Meme responded, he walked over to his fridge and opened the door. Any of the food that they had probably was old now. Meme just hadn't cared to throw anything out. His gaze scanned the many bare shelves realizing that most of the food was rotten. "Nope, we have nothing." Meme sighed, shutting the doors to the fridge. He turned to see the disappointment in Nadwes eyes. There was a knock on the door that made both of them jump and Meme glanced at Nadwe. Both had the same thought. L4FFs coming for us now.. Meme took a deep breath summoning his courage and he stepped carefully as he walked to the door. He cracked it open peeking out the crack and seeing Blaza standing on the front doorstep clutching rolls of paper. Meme sighed in relief and opened the door.

"What do you want Blaza?" Meme snapped ruder than intended.

"Well um," Blaza started out awkwardly shuffling as paper started to slip out of his hands. "I needed to talk to you." Blaza admitted awkwardly.

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