The truth (Chapter 2)

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Joocie watched as Blaza rewired some things on the small EMP they had sitting in front of them. See Joocie had always been good at doing technical stuff but Blaza was on a whole new level. Joocie has never seen someone rewire an elevator block after it had been broken almost beyond repair, well it looked like it was destroyed but Blaza said he just needed an hour. He only needed thirty minutes. They had all escaped, Joocie had been chained up in one room that L4FF had, he had been taunted all because he missed his shot on Meme. Something that still worried Joocie was what Laff said before he left.

"Joocie, if you can't do a job yourself, then  I will find someone who will."

Joocie had almost gone on his knees and begged Laff not to leave him and that he would try again, but Laff had already left. Who was that person, Joocie ran through a list of people Laff liked and didn't like. Joocie could see potential in Nadwe but Laff really didn't like the young vampire. Joocie had failed and knew that Laff would never forgive him. Meme was the person meant to die all along so it really couldn't be him right? It could be Dino, the strange reptile-human hybrid disturbed Joocie. He had never questioned when Joocie had asked him for a sniper. Dino was a person that would do anything if it meant he would have more power over someone. So maybe it was Dino. Socks, poor kind-hearted Socks. No way in heck would Laff use Socks, especially after Laff betrayed him, Socks also had a pure kind-of way of letting people know that he would always do the right thing. Socks had somewhat gone mad after getting shoved into the prison, it wasn't like the insane type of mad it was angry frustrated mad. Joocie had remembered just before he got kidnapped by Laff he had heard Socks crying all by himself behind the main part of the base while everyone else was asleep.

His sobs rang out; it was pure sorrow in his voice as he cried. Laff stood next to Joocie watching him. Joocie couldn't exactly tell Laff's emotions as the gas mask covered his eyes and mouth. When Laff spoke he could detect some softness for the sobbing spaceman.

"I feel like you could've done something to make sure he wasn't thrown in prison." Laff whispered wistfully to Joocie.

"I got him out didn't I?" Joocie retorted, "Plus I'm sure he'll be fine.." Joocie added a little more hesitantly.

"Didn't you want to get closer to him?" Laff asked.

"Of course I did.." Joocie sighed looking away, "I mean he trusts me somewhat now after I broke him out of prison right?" Joocie muttered.

"What about Blaza?" Laff pointed out, "You may be allies but for how long?" Joocie hated to hear the point that Laff was making, he clenched his fist and sat down with his legs hanging off one of the large military hangars. "How fast do you think he'll turn on you once this evidence-" Laff said, pulling out a tape from inside of his lab coat, "Is found." Laff finished handing the tape to Joocie. Joocie examined the tape and handed it back to Laff. Laff looked at the stars above, "At Least Socks had some appreciation for the stars and nature unlike you people." He snapped.

"What's the tape even for?" Joocie asked.

"It's just another thing in the plan, A plan you won't be a part of." Laff told him. Joocie felt something make contact with his head and he was out.

Joocie blinked away the memory with visible discomfort. Blaza turned to look at him expectantly.

"Did you not hear what I asked?" Blaza turned to him. Joocie shook his head and Blaza sighed. "Can you hand me that glowstone dust?" Blaza asked. Joocie turned to the chest that had a jar of glowstone dust. He opened it and removed the jar. He turned back to Blaza and slid the jar across the table to where Blaza was working. Blaza grabbed the jar and opened the tin topping. He opened a hatch on the EMP and poured the glowstone into it. "Not exactly how an EMP is supposed to work but it'll still work just as well." Blaza muttered as he stood up and wiped off his forehead with the sleeve of his hoodie. He looked at Joocie and gave him a weak smile.

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